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New technologies, new complications: complications after use of new arterial closure and thrombectomy devices

We describe a singular case of both ischemic and traumatic complication, referring to use of new devices used for endovascular approach, in the same patient. One is a hemostatic closure device (Angio-Seal®; - St. Jude Medical) and the other is a catheter for percutaneous rotational and aspiration thrombectomy (Rotarex®; - Straub Medical). We discuss indication to use these devices in severely ill patients, with hemodynamic instability, or in a state of hypercoagulability, associated with femoral atherosclerotic disease, due to its high potential of complications.

Ischemia; arterial occlusive disease; angioplasty; thrombectomy

Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e de Cirurgia Vascular (SBACV) Rua Estela, 515, bloco E, conj. 21, Vila Mariana, CEP04011-002 - São Paulo, SP, Tel.: (11) 5084.3482 / 5084.2853 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil