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This text aims to show the plausibility of Gianni Vattimo’s thesis, according to which the death or end of art, thought by the Italian philosopher as a sunset or twilight of art, can be a chance to think about philosophical aesthetics in the so-called postmodern condition. The plausibility of this thesis is shown through an aesthetic-philosophical path from the aesthetic works in the author’s original language, in which the constant of the concepts of production, ontology, truth and Verwindung (twist) are evidenced in order to show the ontological vocation of Vattimo’s aesthetics. The question that guides Vattimo’s aesthetic reflections is not meant to answer what art is, but rather what the meaning of producing artistic works at the time of the end of art is. From this perspective Vattimo’s aesthetic works show the need to initiate each and every philosophical aesthetic acceptance from the assumption of art historicity and the necessary artistic experience, because following Heidegger’s philosophy, art happens as a work of truth.

Ontological aesthetics; Truth; Artistic production; Weakening of being; Gianni Vattimo

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UFMG Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Campus Pampulha, CEP: 31270-301 Belo Horizonte MG - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-5025, Fax: (31) 3409-5041 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil