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Multi-model finite element scheme for static and free vibration analyses of composite laminated beams


A transition element is developed for the local global analysis of laminated composite beams. It bridges one part of the domain modelled with a higher order theory and other with a 2D mixed layerwise theory (LWT) used at critical zone of the domain. The use of developed transition element makes the analysis for interlaminar stresses possible with significant accuracy. The mixed 2D model incorporates the transverse normal and shear stresses as nodal degrees of freedom (DOF) which inherently ensures continuity of these stresses. Non critical zones are modelled with higher order equivalent single layer (ESL) theory leading to the global mesh with multiple models applied simultaneously. Use of higher order ESL in non critical zones reduces the total number of elements required to map the domain. A substantial reduction in DOF as compared to a complete 2D mixed model is obvious. This computationally economical multiple modelling scheme using the transition element is applied to static and free vibration analyses of laminated composite beams. Results obtained are in good agreement with benchmarks available in literature.

Mixed formulation; finite element method; laminated composite beams; transition element; local global analysis; Hamilton's variational principle; principle of minimum potential energy


Laminated composites are finding varied engineering applications as these materials possess a good environmental resistance, strength and are light in weight. Failure modes of laminated composites include the delamination failure leading to separation of the layers and loss of integrity of the structure. Due to the heterogeneous material properties of the different layers of the composite laminate high interlaminar stresses develop at the interfaces. For the kinetic equilibrium in the thickness direction, these interlaminar stresses need to be continuous between the layers. (Pipes and Pagano, 1970Pipes, R.B., Pagano, N.J., (1970). Interlaminar stresses in composite laminates under uniform axial extension. J. Composite Materials 4(4): 538-548.); (Rybicki, 1971Rybicki, E.F., (1971). Approximate three-dimensional solutions for symmetric laminates under in-plane loading. J. Composite Materials 5: 354-360.) brought out that delamination failure can be attributed to the interlaminar transverse shear and normal stresses. For a sound design, an accurate evaluation of the interlaminar stresses becomes inevitable. Different analytical and finite element equivalent single layer (ESL) and layerwise (LW) models have been proposed for analysis of composites. The ESL models in the literature predict the global parameters with a reasonable accuracy but fail to predict the continuity of interlaminar stresses. The displacement based LW models also fail to predict continuity of transverse stresses. These are more accurate relative to ESL models for global parameters but need higher computational effort. For estimation of the transverse stresses, a separate stress function or integration of stress equilibrium equations is essential. LW mixed model with transverse stresses as nodal DOF are accurate for global parameters and also for local interlaminar stresses.

Accurate elastic analysis of interlaminar stresses in composite laminates was presented by (Srinivas and Rao, 1970Srinivas, S., Rao, A.K., (1970). Bending, vibration and buckling of simply supported thick orthotropic rectangular plates and laminates. J. Solids and Structures 6(11): 1463-1481.); (Pagano, 1969Pagano, N.J., (1969). Exact solutions for composite laminates in cylindrical bending. J. Composite Materials 3: 398-411., 1970Pagano, N.J., (1970). Exact solutions for rectangular bi-directional composites and sandwich plates. J. Composite Materials 4: 20-35.); (Pagano and Hatfield, 1972Pagano, N.J., Hatfield, S.J., (1972). Elastic behavior of multilayered bi-directional composites. AIAA J. 10: 931-933.). As an offshoot of the plate formulation, many researchers have presented theories for analysis of composite laminated beams. (Kant, 1982Kant, T., (1982). Numerical analysis of thick plates. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and engineering 31(1): 1-18.) presented a comprehensive higher order theory for analysis of thick plates. (Kant et al., 1997Kant, T., Marur, S.R., Rao, G.S., (1998). Analytical solution to the dynamic analysis of laminated beams using higher order refined theory. Composite Structures 40(1): 1-9.) applied the fully cubic theory for the dynamic analysis of beams. Various forms of higher order sub-theories were evolved by eliminating some terms from the comprehensive cubic theory (Marur and Kant, 1996Marur, S.R., Kant, T., (1996). Free vibration analysis of fiber reinforced composite beams using higher order theories and finite element modelling. J. of Sound and Vibration 194(3): 337-351.; Manjunatha and Kant, 1993aManjunatha, B.S., Kant, T., (1993a). New theories for symmetric/unsymmetric composite and sandwich beams with C0 finite elements. Composite Structures 23: 61-73.; 1993bManjunatha, B.S., Kant, T., (1993b). Different numerical techniques for the estimation of multiaxial stresses in symmetric/unsymmetric composite and sandwich beams with refined theories. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 12: 2-37.). (Reddy, 1987Reddy, J.N., (1987). A generalization of two-dimensional theories of laminated composite plates. Commun. Applied Numerical Methods 3: 173-180.) presented higher order ESL as well as displacement based LW formulations. Contributions were also made by (Lo et al., 1978Lo, K.H., Christensen, R.M., Wu, E.M., (1978). Stress solution determination for high order plate theory. Int. J. Solids and Structures 14: 655-662.); (Spilker, 1982Spilker, R.L., (1982). Hybrid-stress eight-node elements for thin and thick multilayer laminated plates. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering 18(6): 801-828.), and others in the form of higher order theories. The formulation of Spilker had a stress based hybrid element having separate through thickness distributions for stress and displacements. To overcome the limitation of displacement based ESL, (Rao et al., 2001Rao, K.M., Desai, Y.M., Chitnis, M.R., (2001). Free vibrations of laminated beams using mixed theory. Composite Structures 52(2): 149-160.) proposed an analytical solution based on mixed formulation in which the transverse stresses are invoked as DOF ensuring their continuity. This model has been employed for static and dynamic analyses of laminated plates and beams. (Shimpi and Ghugal, 1999Shimpi, R.P., Ghugal, Y.M., (1999). A layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory for two layered cross-ply laminated beams. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 18: 1516-1543.) presented a trigonometric shear deformable LW theory capable of maintaining the continuity of transverse stresses. (Desai and Ramtekkar, 2002Desai, Y.M., Ramtekkar, G.S., (2002). Mixed finite element model for laminated composite beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 13(3): 261-276.) presented a mixed finite element LW model with transverse stresses also included in the set of nodal DOF. The issue of continuity is inherently resolved and the results are seen to be in good agreement with the exact solutions. The formulation was applied to static analysis of composite beams. (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.) extended the mixed formulation for free vibration analysis of beams. (Adyodgu, 2006Adyodgu, M., (2006). Free Vibration Analysis of Angle-ply Laminated Beams with General Boundary Conditions. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 25(15): 1571-1583.) presented a pair of shear deformable beam theories by employing parabolic and exponential shape functions respectively in conjunction with the classical beam theory for free vibration analysis of angle ply beams. (Marur and Kant, 2007Marur, S.R., Kant, T., (2007). On the angle ply higher order beam vibrations. Computational Mechanics 40(1): 25-33.) presented a higher order theory for free vibration analysis of angle ply beams.

Literature indicates that LW approach is the most suitable finite element formulation for accurate estimation of the interlaminar stresses. Within the LW models reported in literature, it is observed that the mixed formulation (Desai and Ramtekkar, 2002Desai, Y.M., Ramtekkar, G.S., (2002). Mixed finite element model for laminated composite beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 13(3): 261-276.) yields very accurate solution and also satisfies the continuity requirements. However, such formulation is computationally expensive. Thus, layerwise formulation may not be suitable at all locations in the domain of a laminate. Amongst the ESL formulations the higher order theory (Kant et al., 1997Kant, T., (1982). Numerical analysis of thick plates. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and engineering 31(1): 1-18.) with 8 DOF(HOSTB8) has been reported to be comprehensive and computationally economical for the estimation of global parameters.

In this work, the positive traits of the higher order ESL theory and the mixed LWT are used together to obtain global as well as the local transverse stress parameters with a good accuracy. Laminate is modelled using a stack of 2D elements having mixed DOF in the zone where the transverse stresses are critical. Remaining zone is modelled using higher order ESL (HOSTB8). A unique transition element is developed to bridge the interface of ESL and mixed LWT based elements.


Three models have been formulated for analysis of transversely loaded laminated composite beams consisting of several orthotropic layers each having different properties;

  1. a

    () Model 1: This model adopts a cubic displacement field in the thickness direction for displacements (U, W) and has 8DOF per node. The theory has been identified as HOSTB8. The model is based on the plane stress state of stresses and strains.

  2. b

    () Model 2: In this model, mixed finite element LWT which has two displacements (U, W,) and the transverse stresses (τxx, σz) as the nodal DOF is used. The theory is based on elasticity relationships. Therefore, requirement of any additional parameters/stress variation functions are advantageously avoided.

  3. c

    () Model 3: This model is based on a local global finite element procedure to take advantage of computational efficiency of higher order ESL theory and accuracy of the LW mixed model.

2.1 Model 1: Development of ESL based theory (HOSTB8)

Displacements in two principal directions of the laminated beam as a fully cubic function of the thickness co-ordinate are

The above displacement field eliminates any requirement of shear correction factor and chances of shear locking. Here (u0 and w0) are deformations in X, Z (laminate co-ordinate) directions at the mid-plane. (θx and θz) are rotations at mid-plane about principal directions of laminated beam and (, , and ) are higher order terms from Taylor's series. By using material property, strain displacement relationship and the principle of minimum potential energy, the stiffness matrix for the laminate is developed. By using shape functions similar to those used for stiffness evaluation, the mass matrix is also developed. Detailed formulation can be seen in (Kant et al., 1997Kant, T., (1982). Numerical analysis of thick plates. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and engineering 31(1): 1-18.). A four-node isoparametric line element of Lagrange family is used to discretize a laminated beam.

Integration is performed by employing 5x5 Gauss quadrature rule for the extension, bending, mass component and 3x3 Gauss rule for the shear part.

2.2 Model 2: Development of mixed LW model

A 6-node two-dimensional plane stress element based on mixed formulation is used by considering displacement fields u ( x,z ), and w (x, z ) having quadratic variation along the length of beam and cubic variation in the transverse direction. The cubic variation has been adopted to invoke the transverse stresses as the nodal parameters in addition to the nodal deformations. The displacement field is expressed as


Further, amik (m = 0, 1, 2, 3; i = 1, 2, 3) are the generalized coordinates.

Variation of displacement fields has been assumed to be cubic through the thickness of element, although there are only two nodes along 'z' axis of an element. Derivative of displacement with respect to the thickness coordinate has also been included in the displacement field. Such a inclusion is required for invoking transverse stress components σz, and τxz as nodal DOF in the formulation. Further, it also ensures parabolic variation of the transverse stresses through the thickness of an element.

By making use of the elasticity relationship, displacement field Uk ( x,z ) in Eq. (2) can be shown to be

Here, i = 1, 2, 3 for the nodes with ξ = -1 , ξ = 0 and ξ =1, respectively;

q = 1, 2 and p = 3, 4 for the nodes with η = and η = 1, respectively for node numbers 1 to 6 and;

f1 = (2 - 3η + η3); f2 = (2 + 3η - η3); f3 = (1 - η - η2 + η3); f4 = (-1 - η + η2 + η3)

f3 and f4 correspond to derivative of displacements with respect to thickness co-ordinate, whereas, f1 and f2 correspond to the displacement DOF, Ukn (k = 1, 2 and n = 1, 2, 3, ...6) are nodal displacement variables, whereas (=∂ukn/z) contains the nodal transverse stress variables. Application of principle of minimum potential energy is used to develop element property matrix. Detailed formulation can be seen in (Desai and Ramtekkar, 2002Desai, Y.M., Ramtekkar, G.S., (2002). Mixed finite element model for laminated composite beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 13(3): 261-276.).

Numerical integration of system matrices (Stiffness property matrix, Mass property matrix and load vector) has been performed by using a 3x3 integration scheme in the length and 5x5 integration scheme in the thickness direction.

2.3 Model 3: Development of transition between ESL (HOSTB8) and 2D mixed LW model

Compatibility between two differently modelled sub-domains (by using Model 1 and Model 2) is enforced by degenerating a 2D mixed element through kinematic constraints compatible with deformations predicted by ESL HOSTB8 element. (Cook et al., 2003Cook, R.D., Malkus, D.S., Plesha, M.E., Witt, R.J., (2003). Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. Fourth edition, John Willey & Sons (Asia): 278-279.) has presented a methodology to connect dissimilar elements.

A 2D-to-1D transition element has one or two edges of 2D element that are kinematically restrained to enforce compatibility with adjacent ESL elements. Such a edge is denoted as a transition edge in the sequel. The 2D element on the transition edge is conditioned for compatibility with the DOF of the ESL (HOSTB8) element to ensure continuity of the combined model. Such an element acts as a transition element to connect two independently modelled sub-domains. Transition is achieved by placing a stack of such transition elements used in different layers of a laminate at the transition edge.

A pair of incompatible mesh formulations is shown in Fig. 1 wherein a four-node ESL element with eight DOF per node (node numbers denoted with a prime) is connected to a stack of 2D mixed elements with four DOF per node (two translations and two transverse stresses).

Figure 1
The configuration of connection between 2D mixed and HOSTB8 elements.

Kinematics of any point at a distance 'dkj' from the reference plane of the laminate on the transition face is completely described by displacement field for the ESL. Because ESL and stack of 2D elements represent the same laminate, motion of the corner 2D node (node 1) (refer Fig. 1) is entirely prescribed by the two translations, two rotations and the higher order terms of its corresponding ESL node (node 4). Consequently, the DOF associated with nodes 1 and 4 are followers to the DOF associated with ESL leader node 4', and hence must be restrained. The node of the ESL on the transition edge form 2D elements' transition node. This node represents transition edge of 2D element stack. An indicative impression of the change in configuration of the 2D element on imposition of the restraint is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2
An indicative impression of unidirectional transition (a) before implementation of restraint (b) after implementation of restraint.

By using the displacement field of HOSTB8 in Eq. (3), kinematics of any 'kth' node of 2D element on the transition surface and corresponding to the ESL leader 'jth' node can be completely prescribed as


By developing the restraint sub-matrices [R]kj for all pairs of ESL and 2D nodes, the transformation matrix [R] for the entire element can be formulated by appropriately populating sub-matrices [R]kj corresponding to every pair. Finite element stiffness property, mass property matrices and internal force vector for the transition element are obtained by matrix transformations using the constructed stiffness property matrix, force vector ,mass matrix of 2D element and associated transformation matrix as follows,

Similar transformation can be performed for mass matrix of an element. The transformation in Eq. (9) degenerates the transition edge of the 2D element which becomes follower to the corresponding HOSTB8 leader node. All elements in the interior of the local transition edge are 6-node elements with all the nodes modelled with the mixed formulation. The stress DOF at the 2D nodes on the transition edge are condensed prior to imposition of the restraint for complete compatibility. Considering the stiffness matrices of the ESL elements, transition elements and the interior LW mixed elements the global equation can be obtained in the following form after assembly.


[K]G, [M]Gare the global stiffness property and mass matrices, respectively;

, are the element property and mass property matrices of ith element, respectively, formed by using mixed LWT;

, are the element property and mass matrices of jth transition element, respectively;

, are the element stiffness and mass matrices of lth ESL element, respectively;

m, n and k in Eq. (10) represent number of LWT, transition and ESL elements.

The displacement vector of the transition element is composed of the DOF of the ESL node on the transition edge, and the DOF of the 2D nodes on the interior of element. The transition element that is developed by the application of the restraints consists of 5 nodes and 24DOF in case of an one edge transition.

2.4 Analysis of plate under static loading and vibration analysis

Standard finite element procedures are used to assemble and formulate global system matrices. For the static analysis the load deformation relationship is

Gauss elimination method is used for determination of DOF in Eq. (9).

By using Hamilton's variational principle as brought out in (Bathe, 1997Bathe, K.J., (1997). Finite element procedures. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.) and solution to the equation of motion of laminate, the characteristic equation of the eigenvalue problem is formed

Here global mass matrix [M]G and stiffness property matrix [K]G are as defined in Eq. (8). {F}, {D} are global nodal load and DOF vectors respectively. {} is the modal vector and ω is natural frequency of laminate.

Solution of Eq. (10) after imposition of boundary conditions yield natural frequency ω and corresponding modal eigenvector {}. Sub-space iteration technique is used in the current work for solution of eigenvalue problem.


Following two mesh patterns are possible for a symmetrically loaded simply supported laminated beams;

  1. a

    () Peak τxz is estimated through Mesh 1 by using a stack of 2D elements with mixed DOF at and in the vicinity of (x = 0) and the remaining part of the laminate meshed with ESL elements.

  2. b

    () Peak τz is estimated through Mesh 2 by using a stack of 2D elements with mixed DOF at and in the vicinity of (x = a/2) and the remaining part of the laminate meshed with ESL elements.

For the static and free vibration analyses, symmetrical loading on the beam and simply supported end conditions are assumed. An example with different boundary conditions (Example 6) for an four layered angle ply beam is also considered for free vibration analysis. However, the same meshing patterns are used for discretization. Implementation of this novel hybrid finite element mesh is done on full length of beam. Free vibration analysis is also performed for two meshing arrangements to further validate the soundness and efficacy of the combined model. Stress estimation in static analysis for transverse stresses has been done by using selective meshing pattern according to suitability. Results obtained for static and free vibration analyses are compared with those from higher order ESL theories and LW mixed and displacement based finite element formulations available in literature.

A combined mesh size of (10)/(2x30) implies that full length of beam is discretized with 10 elements and out of which a portion of 2 elements is modelled with 30 2D elements with mixed DOF in the thickness direction. The remaining domain is modelled with ESL (HOSTB8) elements. Thus, there will be 68 elements (8#HOSTB8+60#2D) in the entire domain. If the same laminate is modelled using only 2D elements, the total number of elements for a mesh (10x30) will be 300. Proposed combined mesh reduces total number of DOF due to reduction in number of elements required to model the domain and also ensures continuity of transverse stresses.

Beams with different layups, span to thickness ratios (S), and material properties with various end conditions have been considered for static and free vibration analyses. Boundary conditions are listed in Table 1. Material properties and normalisation factors used for static and free vibration analyses are mentioned with the results.

Table 1
Boundary conditions for composite beams.

3.1 Static analysis

3.1.1 Example 1

A simply supported cross ply (0/90 beam with layers of equal thickness and subjected to unidirectional sinusoidal loading is considered. The beam is analysed using both combined mesh patterns for stresses (txz and oz), longitudinal and transverse displacements (u and w). The transverse shear and transverse normal stresses has been selectively estimated by using Mesh 1 and Mesh 2 respectively. The results for S = 4 and 10 are compared in Table 2. Exact elasticity solution by (Pagano, 1969Pagano, N.J., (1969). Exact solutions for composite laminates in cylindrical bending. J. Composite Materials 3: 398-411.), and FE results obtained by (Desai and Ramtekkar, 2002Desai, Y.M., Ramtekkar, G.S., (2002). Mixed finite element model for laminated composite beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 13(3): 261-276.), (Liou and Sun, 1987Liou, W.J., Sun, C.T., (1987). A three-dimensional hybrid stress isoparametric element for the analysis of laminated composite plates. Computers & Structures 25(2): 241-249.), (Lu and Liu, 1992Lu, X., Liu, D., (1992). An interlaminar shear stress continuity theory for both thin and thick composite laminates. ASME J. Applied Mechanics 59: 502-509.), (Manjunatha and Kant, 1993bManjunatha, B.S., Kant, T., (1993b). Different numerical techniques for the estimation of multiaxial stresses in symmetric/unsymmetric composite and sandwich beams with refined theories. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 12: 2-37.), and (Shimpi and Ghugal, 1999Shimpi, R.P., Ghugal, Y.M., (1999). A layerwise trigonometric shear deformation theory for two layered cross-ply laminated beams. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 18: 1516-1543.) have been presented for proper comparison. Results from the present analysis have been found to be in agreement with the established results. The variation of normalized longitudinal normal stress (), transverse normal and shear stresses ( and ) through the thickness of the beam with S = 4, have been shown in Fig. 3. Proximity of present results with the benchmarks validate the suitability of the combined model. Essential requirement of continuity of transverse stresses is also fulfilled with a substantial reduction in the computational effort.

Figure 3
Through thickness variation of stresses in a 0º/90º laminated beam subjected to sinusoidal load (S = 4); (a) τxz(0, z), (b) σz(a/2, z), (c) σx(a/2, z)

Table 2
Comparison of the maximum transverse displacement, the in-plane normal and the transverse shear stresses for simply supported laminated beam under sinusoial loading (lamination scheme: 0º/90º)

3.1.2 Example 2

Static analysis of a three-layered cross-ply (0(/90(/0() simply supported beam with equal thickness of each layer, has been considered in this example. The beam is subjected to uni-directional sinusoidal loading applied at top edge. The transverse shear and transverse normal stresses has been selectively estimated by using Mesh 1 and Mesh 2 respectively. Normalized maximum transverse displacement (), in-plane normal stress () and transverse shear stress () for the simply supported laminated beam (with S = 4 and 10) have been presented in Table 3. Results obtained through present analysis are compared with elasticity solution by (Pagano, 1969Pagano, N.J., (1969). Exact solutions for composite laminates in cylindrical bending. J. Composite Materials 3: 398-411.) and various analytical/ FE solutions given by (Desai and Ramtekkar, 2002Desai, Y.M., Ramtekkar, G.S., (2002). Mixed finite element model for laminated composite beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 13(3): 261-276.); (Lo et al. 1978Lo, K.H., Christensen, R.M., Wu, E.M., (1978). Stress solution determination for high order plate theory. Int. J. Solids and Structures 14: 655-662.); (Spilker, 1982Spilker, R.L., (1982). Hybrid-stress eight-node elements for thin and thick multilayer laminated plates. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering 18(6): 801-828.); (Engblom and Ochoa, 1985Engblom, J.J., Ochoa, O.O., (1985). Through the thickness stress predictions for laminated plates of advanced composite materials. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering 21: 1759-1776.); (Toledano and Murakami, 1987Toledano, A., Murakami, H., (1987). A composite plate theory for arbitrary laminate configurations. J. Applied Mechanics 54(1): 181-189.); (Manjunatha and Kant, 1993bManjunatha, B.S., Kant, T., (1993b). Different numerical techniques for the estimation of multiaxial stresses in symmetric/unsymmetric composite and sandwich beams with refined theories. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 12: 2-37.). Present results shows good agreement with the elasticity solutions, which underlines the usefulness of the present model. Variation of normalized longitudinal normal stress () and transverse stresses (σz and ) through thickness of beam with S = 4 is presented in Fig. 3. It is observed that the results from the present multi-model scheme are in very good agreement with the elasticity solution (Pagano, 1969Pagano, N.J., (1969). Exact solutions for composite laminates in cylindrical bending. J. Composite Materials 3: 398-411.). It is also noted that the displacement based models (Lo et al., 1978Lo, K.H., Christensen, R.M., Wu, E.M., (1978). Stress solution determination for high order plate theory. Int. J. Solids and Structures 14: 655-662.; Engblom and Ochoa, 1985Engblom, J.J., Ochoa, O.O., (1985). Through the thickness stress predictions for laminated plates of advanced composite materials. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engineering 21: 1759-1776.), have not been able to predict the in-plane and the transverse stresses. The continuity of the transverse stresses is ensured and the integration of equilibrium equations is advantageously avoided.

Figure 4
Through thickness variation of stresses in a 0(/90(/0( laminated beam subjected to sinusoidal load (S = 4) (a) τxz(0, z), (b) σz(a/2, z), (c) σx(a/2, z)

Table 3
Comparison of maximum transverse displacement, in-plane normal and transverse shear stresses for simply supported laminated beam under sinusoial loading (lamination scheme: 0(/90(/0()

3.2 Free vibration analysis

3.2.1 Example 3

A six-layer symmetric cross-ply (0(/0(/90(/90(/0(/0() thick beam under simple support is considered in this example. The non-dimensional frequencies in different modes obtained through the present model are compared in Table 4 with FOBT, HOBT by (Marur and Kant, 1996Marur, S.R., Kant, T., (1996). Free vibration analysis of fiber reinforced composite beams using higher order theories and finite element modelling. J. of Sound and Vibration 194(3): 337-351.), mixed theory by (Rao et al., 2001Rao, K.M., Desai, Y.M., Chitnis, M.R., (2001). Free vibrations of laminated beams using mixed theory. Composite Structures 52(2): 149-160.) and FEM solution by (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.). The through thickness variation of non dimensional inplane displacements, transverse normal and shear stresses for first three modes is shown Fig. 5. It can be observed that the results from the present studies are in good agreement with HOBT and the mixed theory with a substantial reduction in the total DOF.

Figure 5
Through thickness variation of (a) Normal displacement, (b) transverse normal stress, (c) transverse shear stress, for first three modes of vibration.

Table 4
Comparison of non-dimensional natural frequencies

3.2.2 Example 4

A six-layer un-symmetric cross-ply (0(/90(/0(/90(/0(/90() thick beam under simple support condition is considered in this example. The non-dimensional natural frequencies () for different modes have been presented in Table 5. Comparison of frequencies with the available results from FOBT, HOBT (4a, 4b, 5) by (Marur and Kant, 1996Marur, S.R., Kant, T., (1996). Free vibration analysis of fiber reinforced composite beams using higher order theories and finite element modelling. J. of Sound and Vibration 194(3): 337-351.), mixed theory by (Rao et al., 2001Rao, K.M., Desai, Y.M., Chitnis, M.R., (2001). Free vibrations of laminated beams using mixed theory. Composite Structures 52(2): 149-160.) and FEM solution by (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.) has been done. The results show good agreement with the earlier reported results in the literature.

Table 5
Comparison of non-dimensional natural frequencies

3.2.3 Example 5

A symmetric cross-ply (0(/90(/90(/0() thin beam under simple support condition is considered for free vibration analysis. The non-dimensional natural frequencies () obtained from the present investigation are compared in Table 6, with the first order beam theory FOBT (4a) by (Marur and Kant, 1996Marur, S.R., Kant, T., (1996). Free vibration analysis of fiber reinforced composite beams using higher order theories and finite element modelling. J. of Sound and Vibration 194(3): 337-351.), HOBT by (Kant et al., 1998Kant, T., (1982). Numerical analysis of thick plates. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and engineering 31(1): 1-18.) and the mixed theory by (Rao et al., 2001Rao, K.M., Desai, Y.M., Chitnis, M.R., (2001). Free vibrations of laminated beams using mixed theory. Composite Structures 52(2): 149-160.) and FEM solution by (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.). Results have been observed to be in very good agreement with the HOBT and the mixed theory.

Table 6
Comparison of non-dimensional natural frequencies

3.2.4 Example 6

A four layered angle ply beam with layup (θº/-θº/-θº/θº) is considered in this example. To study the influence of ply angle, fundamental natural frequencies of laminated beam are determined for θ = 0º, 15º, 30º, 45º, 60º, 75º, 90º. Simply supported at both ends (SS), clamped at both ends (CC) and clamped free (CF) boundary conditions are considered. CF condition with Mesh 1 meshing pattern has a stack of 2D mixed elements at the clamped end and remaining domain is modelled with HOSTB8 elements. An end condition, free clamped (FC) is also considered with Mesh 1 meshing pattern having the stack of 2D mixed elements at the free end. The non-dimensional fundamental frequencies are compared with those presented by (Adyodgu, 2006Adyodgu, M., (2006). Free Vibration Analysis of Angle-ply Laminated Beams with General Boundary Conditions. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 25(15): 1571-1583.) in Table 7. Variation of the fundamental frequency with the ply angle for boundary condition (SS) is shown in Fig 6. Except for θ = 15º and 30º, natural frequencies for all other orientation of plies are in close proximity of those presented by (Adyodgu, 2006Adyodgu, M., (2006). Free Vibration Analysis of Angle-ply Laminated Beams with General Boundary Conditions. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites 25(15): 1571-1583.). The consistency between results of the two meshing patterns under all boundary conditions strengthens the efficacy of the combined mesh model.

Figure 6
Variation of non-dimensional fundamental frequency of a four layer angle ply SS beam (θ°/-θ°/-θ°/θ°) with ply angle.

Table 7
Variation of non-dimensional fundamental frequency

The results of above examples illustrate that the present multi-modelling scheme is apt for complete analysis of laminated beams. The accuracy requirements are fulfilled without sacrificing the computational efficiency. Continuity of transverse stresses is also ensured. It is observed that (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.) presented few frequencies which were not reported earlier in the literature. Present combined mesh model misses out on few of those additional frequencies reported in (Ramtekkar et al., 2002Ramtekkar, G.S., Desai, Y.M., Shah, A.H., (2002). Natural vibrations of laminated composite beams by using mixed finite element modelling. J. Sound and Vibration 257(4): 635-651.) but on the other hand some new frequencies are encountered. The genuineness of these new frequencies is under investigation by the authors.


A finite element formulation is presented which combines the higher order ESL sub-domain to 2D mixed LW sub-domain using a transition element. It is observed that a reasonably good accuracy is achieved in the estimation of the deformations, stresses.and natural frequencies. Parallely a substantial reduction in the global DOF can be observed as compared to full 2D LWT model due to reduction in number of elements rquired for the entire domain. This makes the procedure computationally economical. Increase in the size of the local LW mixed sub-domain would make the mesh to tend towards full LW modeling and the methodology may loose its advantage. An accuracy above 90% in comparison with elasticity solution is seen to be achieved by using LW mixed model on 25% to 40% of the entire domain. The present combined formulation overcome the shortcoming of ESL in prediction of continuity of the transverse stresses. The method suggested is confirming to the elasticity principles as both the models used on the sub-domains are derived from the elasticity equations and two dimensional state of stress and strain. The results given by the developed model show reasonably good accuracy as compared with the benchmarks from the literature.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov 2015


  • Received
    03 Dec 2014
  • Reviewed
    05 May 2015
  • Accepted
    30 May 2015
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