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Thermoelastic slowness surfaces in anisotropic media with thermal relaxation

Analysis for general closed form solution of the thermoelastic waves in anisotropic heat conducting materials is obtained by using the solution technique for the biquadratic equation in the framework of the generalized theory of thermoelasticity. Obtained results are general in nature and can be applied to the materials of higher symmetry classes such as transvesely isotropic, cubic, and isotropic materials. Uncoupled and coupled thermoelasticity are the particular cases of the obtained results. Numerical computations are carried out on a fiber reinforced heat conducting composite plate modeled as a transversely isotropic media. The two dimensional slowness curves corresponding to different thermal relaxations are presented graphically and characteristics displayed are analyzed with thermal relaxations.

Slowness Surfaces; thermoelasticity; anisotropic; coupled and thermal relaxation times

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