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Language, representation and recursion in Clarice Lispector’s metalinguistic discourse


This article discusses notions about the human attribute of constructing meaning. It aimed to discuss from the metalanguage in Clarice Lispector's novels the notions of representation and recursion. It adopts, as theoretical framework, considerations by authors from different areas of knowledge, who fostered, in their studies, the epistemological debate about these notions, such as the philosopher Kant, the linguist Izidoro Blikstein and the biologist Humberto Maturana. In light of these theoretical contributions, it analyzes passages from the novels A cidade sitiada, Água viva and A paixão segundo G.H., in which it identifies the presence of reflections about the unachievable challenge of representation. In these passages it observes the allusion to a nonverbal semiosis hidden in the dimension of a praxis that is prior and yet tributary to the language; and notices the idea that subjects construct senses in the flow of recursive coordination in the praxis of living.

Language; Representation; Recursion; Praxis of living; Clarice Lispector

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