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Engaged Multiliteracy for the Practice of Good Living


In the current context of necropolitics (MBEMBE, 2016), in which the decision to live or die is up to some individuals, education owns an important role in organizing spaces to create possibilities for the future. In this direction, this article sets out theoretical bases and praxis of the Engaged Multiliteracy, presenting the demand for pedagogical practices that promote the “good living.” For that purpose, it discusses the Freirian and Vygotskian bases in order to understand the reformulations and propositions implemented in the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies ​​as a way of creating the Engaged Multiliteracy. Finally, this text exemplifies a didactic proposal carried out in the Digitmed Program and presents considerations and paths to be taken from the Engaged Multiliteracy, searching for possibilities of overcoming necropolitics through everybody’s engagement into the understanding and transformation of oppressive conditions of living.

Engaged Multiliteracy; Good living; Freire; Vygotsky; Pedagogy of Multiliteracies

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