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Intertextual operations in the title category in the Rio de Janeiro newspaper Meia Hora

In order to demonstrate that in popular newspapers news can also be pervaded by an opinion, but from unconventional strategies, this article will analyze the construction of the title "Pope asks to quit", the news published in the popular carioca newspaper Meia Hora on 12/02/2013. Our focus is on how the establishing of an intertextual relationship in the title adds and directs senses of the text in an argumentative mode. One of our conclusions is that the title would be the placeholder for the newspaper to suggest an opinion rather than develop it throughout the text, a strategy that could violate the contract of communication between newspaper and reader of this segment. Our theoretical frame includes the notion of "communication contract" developed in discourse analysis (CHARAUDEAU, 1996; 2001); the characterization of "news-values" (Amaral, 2006); and in "intertextuality" (BEAUGRANDE & DRESSLER (1981); BAKHTIN (2003), Koch (2003), among others) process.

Popular journalism; Intertextuality; Construction of meaning

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