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Apposition as the Basis of the Anti-Leftist Discourse in Brazilian Corporate Media


This article, based on the Materialist Discourse Analysis (AD) founded by Michel Pêcheux, aims to reflect on the use of apposition in the discourse of Brazilian television newscasts Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record in the cases of Lula’s arrest, in 2018, and Lula’s victory, in 2022. Two forms of apposition are analyzed: apposition that uses sources to support the news discourse; and apposition that operates digressions that establish a parallel enunciation to the news topic. In both forms, the apposition fulfills the function of sustaining the anti-leftist discourse of the discursive formation referred to in this study as corporate media.

Television News; Discourse Analysis; Politics; Apposition

Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina Av. José Acácio Moreira, 787 - Caixa Postal 370, Dehon - 88704.900 - Tubarão-SC- Brasil, Tel: (55 48) 3621-3369, Fax: (55 48) 3621-3036 - Tubarão - SC - Brazil