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The Re-elaboration Process of Academic Review Genre on Wiki Platform


This article aims at presenting a didactic sequence developed for aprehension and collaborative writing of the review genre and its results. The theoretical framework of this research includes the online collaborative writing in higher education (PHILIPSON, 2008; PEJIC-BACH et al., 2016; ARAÚJO, 2019) and the re-elaborated review genre (ARAÚJO et al., 2018). Seventeen students majoring in English at a public university participated in this research. We also used, in the investigation, two modules from a module-constituted wiki project (an online course) developed in the PBworks platform. The results indicate that the students had some notion about review genre, however, they had difficulties in identifying rhetorical movements in reviews. In addition, the collaborative writing showed rhetorical movements called floating, because they move through different stages of the writing process. Finally, we conclude that reviews are re-elaborated due to their production support, bringing transformations into this genre and new ways of interaction.

Re-elaboration; Review; Didactic sequence; Collaborative writing; Wiki

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