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Performances of writing in contemporary narrative: The other´s voice in "Totonha", by Marcelino de Freire


The article proposes a reflection on the role of writing in the representation of the other excluded from the literary universe, based on the short story “Totonha”, by Marcelino Freire, which integrates the collection Contos negreiros (2005). The question is analyzed in the light of problematizations about writing of the other evidenced by ethnography (Geertz, 1989GEERTZ, Clifford. A interpretação das culturas. São Paulo: LTC, 1989.; Clifford, 1998CLIFFORD, James. A experiência etnográfica: antropologia e literatura no século XX. Trad. Patrícia Farias. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1998.), and from the perspective of a political criticism of social divisions generated by exercise of writing (Rancière, 2004RANCIÈRE, Jacques. O mestre ignorante: cinco lições sobre a emancipação intelectual. Trad. Lilian do Valle. São Paulo: Autêntica, 2004., 2005). At the end, we intend to elucidate the hypothesis that writing Marcelino Freire enacts the paradox to say the other within a performative writing (Ravetti, 2003RAVETTI, Graciela. Performances escritas: o diáfano e o opaco da experiência. In: HILDEBRANDO, Antônio; NASCIMENTO, Lylei; ROJO, Sara (Org.). O corpo em performance. Belo Horizonte: NELAP/FALE/UFMG, 2003.), which presents itself as resistance to the dominant system of signification of the other.

Reading; writing; Domination; Otherness; Marcelino Freire

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