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“Me and my student-quota holders in public school”: racism, discursive ethos, media discourse and subjectivity production


The aim of this paper is to propose a discursive analysis of text produced by Cefet/ RJ teacher, that triggered controversy in social networks. The testimony of the teacher, who turned on social networks, on experience with high school dropouts, was initially welcomed as an emotional and emotional report, the result of an “empathic and generous” attitude. Later, however, when it was “republished”, it came to be read as the result of structuring racism that organizes social relations in the country and its author as a racist person. With a focus on the materiality of discourse and its effects of subjectivity production and on a given quality of real(ity) (ROCHA, 2006ROCHA, Décio. Representação e intervenção: produção de subjetividade na linguagem. Gragoatá (UFF), v. 21, p. 355-372, 2006.), we seek to problematize senses that are built on the tension between racist and antiracist discourses in contemporaneity in the construction of an ethos (MAINGUENEAU, 1997MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Novas tendências em análise do discurso. 3. ed. Campinas, São Paulo: Pontes; Editora da UNICAMP, 1997., 2006MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Cenas da enunciação. Curitiba: Criar Edições, 2006., 2006MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Cenas da enunciação. Curitiba: Criar Edições, 2006., 2008MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Gênese dos discursos. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008.) of teacher that points to a savior figure.

ethos; racism; media; student-quota holders; Cefet/RJ

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