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The backwood's mythology through movies and literature


Cordel's movies and literature presents the Northeast as a myth fair with sui generis caracteristics in terms of folk culture. The imaginary which surrounds the region constitutes the Northeast as being the land of the legends, of the cangaceiros, of the jagunços, of the cowboys and religious leaders. From this point of view, the Northeast can be seen as an discursive-imagetic construction where the most diverse myths are spread, myths that are, typically, heroic generated in a marginalized socioeconomic group, of earth attached proletarians. In this scenario, two fundamental characters constantly appear in folk stories: the cangaceiro and the saint figures, the beatified and charismatic religious leaders. Inside the corpus, there's an investigation on how the creation process happens for this mythical characters as well as their function as from the discursive-imagetic universe of movies and literature.

literature; movies; cangaço; saint; myths

EDIPUCRS Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Porto Alegre - RS, 90619-900, Tel: 3320-3500 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil