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Race or class? On the Brazilian inequality

The subject of inequality in Brazil can only be understood in the light of the particularity of our modernization process. This means that the catching of the specific weight of the race factor requires a large, inclusive and holistic theoretical framework. It also requires a reassessment of the Brazilian debate about that issue occurred in the middle of the last century. This article argues that the social class problem has been unfairly underestimated, if we take in account the context of the debate about our inequality.

Race; Social Class; Inequality; Brazilian Social Thought

CEDEC Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea - CEDEC, Rua Riachuelo, 217 - conjunto 42 - 4°. Andar - Sé, 01007-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Telefones: (55 11) 3871.2966 - Ramal 22 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil