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Through the paths of an obtuse library: a reading of the interdiscursivity within Machado de Assis's writing

This article aims at presenting some questions regarding the study of the interdiscursivity in Machado's writing, taken here as the relationship with already written discourses, constructed through the space of the library. Having as a starting point a concise exposition of Machado's private library historical course, in order to consider the association between writing and reading, we intend to analyze afterwards what we identify as a fictional library, that is, the manner in which writing fictionalizes these already written discourses and establishes a relationship with them. Thus, we notice that the interdiscursivity brings questions to the enunciability and the legibility of the literary work, revealing the prevailing critical aspect of the Machado de Assis' fiction.

interdiscursivity; writing; private libraries; enunciability; legibility

Universidade de São Paulo - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403 sl 38, 05508-900 São Paulo, SP Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil