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A vida social de um emblema nacional: o caso do sabre do general José de San Martín (1778-1850)

Based upon an analysis of the complex network of exchanges, reciprocities and interdependencies woven around a historical object that is considered to be emblematic in Argentina - the saber of General José de San Martín (1778-1850) - the present article reflects upon the social production of meanings, values and understandings of objects that are part of “national historical patrimonies”. Identifying the immaterial dimensions which seem to accompany these objects, we discuss the possibilities that anthropological research opens with regards to this particular class of objects.

Objects; National patrimony; Argentine history

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social - PPGAS-Museu Nacional, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Quinta da Boa Vista s/n - São Cristóvão, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 2568-9642, Fax: +55 21 2254-6695 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil