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National Policy for Regional Development and its repercussions in Rio Grande do Sul State

After a decade of its implementation, the National Policy for Regional Development (Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional - PNDR) is being reviewed, with the purpose of placing it among the most prominent government policies. Aligned to this purpose, this article aims at evaluating the territorial effects of PNDR in Rio Grande do Sul State and indicating elements to its continuity. First, an analysis of the policy and programs with a higher incidence in the state was performed: the Program for Promotion of Sustainability of Sub-Regional Spaces (Programa de Promoção da Sustentabilidade de Espaços Sub-Regionais - PROMESO) and the Program for the Development of the Frontier Strip (Programa de Desenvolvimento da Faixa de Fronteira - PDFF). Afterwards, the results achieved by these programs were assessed and possible repercussions in the territory and in the organization of stakeholders were identified. The article ends with some considerations about the results and the future of PNDR.

Regional Development; Territorial Planning; Public Policies

Universidade Federal do Ceará UFC - Campi do Pici, Bloco 911, 60440-900 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, Tel.: (55 85) 3366 9855, Fax: (55 85) 3366 9864 - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil