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Leishmania spp. genetic factors associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis antimony pentavalent drug resistance: a systematic review



Leishmaniasis is a neglected zoonosis caused by parasites of Leishmania spp. The main drug used to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is the antimoniate of meglumine. This drug, which has strong adverse and toxic effects, is usually administered intravenously, further complicating the difficult treatment. Factors such as Leishmania gene expression and genomic mutations appear to play a role in the development of drug resistance.


This systematic review summarises the results of the literature evaluating parasite genetic markers possibly associated with resistance to pentavalent antimony in CL.


This study followed PRISMA guidelines and included articles from PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS databases. Inclusion criteria were studies that (i) investigated mutations in the genome and/or changes in gene expression of Leishmania associated with treatment resistance; (ii) used antimony drugs in the therapy of CL; (iii) used naturally resistant strains isolated from patients. The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist was used to assess article quality and risk of bias.


A total of 23 articles were selected, of which 18 investigated gene expression and nine genomic mutations. Of these 23 articles, four examined gene expression and genomic mutations in the same samples. Regarding gene expression, genes from the ABC transporter protein family, AQP1, MRPA, TDR1 and TRYR were most frequently associated with drug resistance. In one of the articles in which mutations were investigated, a mutation was found in HSP70 (T579A) and in three articles mutations were found in AQP1 (A516C, G562A and G700A). A limitation of this review is that in most of the included studies, parasites were isolated from cultured lesion samples and drug resistance was assessed using in vitro drug susceptibility testing. These approaches may not be ideal for accurate genetic evaluation and detection of treatment failure.


The development of further studies to evaluate the genetic resistance factors of Leishmania spp. is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms of the parasite and improve patient treatment and infection control.

Key words:
Leishmania spp; drug resistance; drug susceptibility; cutaneous leishmaniasis; genetic factors; treatment outcome; systematic review

Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic, neglected disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania (L.) spp.11. WHO - World Health Organization. Control of the leishmaniases. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 2010; 949: 22-6. More than 431 million people live in endemic areas and are at risk of developing associated diseases, 12 million cases are registered and 2 million new cases occur each year.22. de Vries HJC, Schallig HD. Cutaneous leishmaniasis: a 2022 updated narrative review into diagnosis and management developments. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2022; 23(6): 823-40.,33. Barkati S, Ndao M, Libman M. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the 21st century: from the laboratory to the bedside. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2019; 32(5): 419-25. Leishmaniasis occurs in many areas of the world, particularly in developing countries in Central and South America, Southern Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and North and East Africa.44. Croft SL, Sundar S, Fairlamb AH. Drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2006; 19(1): 111-26. Leishmaniasis is one of the most common causes of death from infectious diseases.55. Santiago AS, Pita SSR, Guimarães ET. Tratamento da leishmaniose, limitações da terapêutica atual e a necessidade de novas alternativas: uma revisão narrativa. Res Soc Dev. 2021; 10(7): e29510716543.

This parasite has several species and can cause different clinical manifestations in human infection such as cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) and disseminated leishmaniasis (CDL), in addition to the forms of diffuse and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The most common clinical form is CL, which is characterised by erythematous papules that may develop into roundish ulcers with raised margins, have a limited course and may heal spontaneously.11. WHO - World Health Organization. Control of the leishmaniases. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 2010; 949: 22-6.,66. Selim MM, Vlasin Z, Jaroskova L. Leishmaniasis currently recommended treatment. Int J Dermatol. 1990; 29(5): 318-21.Leishmania species associated with the development of CL in the New World include L. braziliensis, L. guyanensis, L. amazonensis, L. panamensis and L. aethiopica, while in the Old World it is L. tropica and L. major.33. Barkati S, Ndao M, Libman M. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the 21st century: from the laboratory to the bedside. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2019; 32(5): 419-25. CL has been described in southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.77. MS/SVS/DVDT - Ministério da Saúde/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde/Departamento de Vigilância das Doenças Transmissíveis. Manual de vigilância da leishmaniose tegumentar. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2017. 189 pp. Available from: MCL typically affects the oral, nasal and pharyngeal mucosa, resulting in disfiguring lesions. The disseminated form has been described in Mexico (Northeast) and the United States (Texas),77. MS/SVS/DVDT - Ministério da Saúde/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde/Departamento de Vigilância das Doenças Transmissíveis. Manual de vigilância da leishmaniose tegumentar. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2017. 189 pp. Available from: while MCL occurs in Latin America and Africa, although the latter is less common.66. Selim MM, Vlasin Z, Jaroskova L. Leishmaniasis currently recommended treatment. Int J Dermatol. 1990; 29(5): 318-21. VL is classified as the most severe form as it affects internal organs and can lead to death if left untreated.77. MS/SVS/DVDT - Ministério da Saúde/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde/Departamento de Vigilância das Doenças Transmissíveis. Manual de vigilância da leishmaniose tegumentar. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2017. 189 pp. Available from:,88. Antoniou T, Gough KA. Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature. Pharmacotherapy. 2005; 25(6): 899-903.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Meglumine antimoniate and Sodium stibogluconate (pentavalent antimonial) are the drugs of first choice in most parts of the world, as their overall cure rate is over 90%.11. WHO - World Health Organization. Control of the leishmaniases. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 2010; 949: 22-6. However, various alternative drugs can also be used to treat this disease.44. Croft SL, Sundar S, Fairlamb AH. Drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2006; 19(1): 111-26. Alternatives to antimonials, which can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly, include miltefosine (administered orally), paromomicin (administered intramuscularly, orally and topically) and pentamidine (administered intravenously or intramuscularly).55. Santiago AS, Pita SSR, Guimarães ET. Tratamento da leishmaniose, limitações da terapêutica atual e a necessidade de novas alternativas: uma revisão narrativa. Res Soc Dev. 2021; 10(7): e29510716543.,66. Selim MM, Vlasin Z, Jaroskova L. Leishmaniasis currently recommended treatment. Int J Dermatol. 1990; 29(5): 318-21.

The choice of therapy depends on age, gestation, the presence of comorbidities and the cost-benefit ratio of the drug toxicity used, as side effects may occur.77. MS/SVS/DVDT - Ministério da Saúde/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde/Departamento de Vigilância das Doenças Transmissíveis. Manual de vigilância da leishmaniose tegumentar. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2017. 189 pp. Available from: These drugs are chemotherapeutic agents that are known to have adverse and toxic effects, including hypotension, vomiting, nausea and hallucinations. Additionally, serious adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity and pancreatitis may occur, and in some cases, cardiotoxicity is also a concern. They also need to be administered intravenously, so patients from rural areas must travel long distances to receive the drug, making it very difficult to treat patients comprehensively.88. Antoniou T, Gough KA. Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature. Pharmacotherapy. 2005; 25(6): 899-903.

The first evidence of treatment failure due to drug resistance was described in India, north of Bihar, in 1997.99. Sereno D, Harrat Z, Eddaikra N. Meta-analysis and discussion on challenges to translate Leishmania drug resistance phenotyping into the clinic. Acta Trop. 2019; 191: 204-11. Resistance to Leishmania was mainly studied with Antimonial Pentavalent.1010. Frézard F, Demicheli C, Ribeiro RR. Pentavalent antimonials: new perspectives for old drugs. Molecules. 2009; 14(7): 2317-36. Little information is available on the mechanisms of drug resistance in CL, but host, parasite or vector factors play an important role.1111. Torres DC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Dávila AMR, Cupolillo E. Assessment of drug resistance related genes as candidate markers for treatment outcome prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Acta Trop. 2013; 126(2): 132-41. Studies have shown that genetic mutations of the parasite and variations in gene expression may contribute to treatment failure.1212. Barkati S, Ndao M, Libman M. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the 21st century: from the laboratory to the bedside. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2019; 32(5): 419-25. The flexibility of the Leishmania genome is crucial for drug resistance, as the parasite adapts its genetic expression of drug targets and transporters after drug exposure.33. Barkati S, Ndao M, Libman M. Cutaneous leishmaniasis in the 21st century: from the laboratory to the bedside. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2019; 32(5): 419-25. In addition, there is evidence that Leishmania can influence the genetic expression of proteins involved in drug transport and metabolism in the host cell. Therefore, understanding the genetic modulation of Leishmania and its association with drug resistance is crucial to improve treatment efficacy and identify alternative therapeutic targets with lower resistance potential.1313. Barrera MC, Rojas LJ, Weiss A, Fernandez O, McMahon-Pratt D, Saravia NG, et al. Profiling gene expression of antimony response genes in Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis and infected macrophages and its relationship with drug susceptibility. Acta Trop. 2017; 176: 355-63.

Several genetic mechanisms that may lead to drug resistance include gene copy number variations, aneuploidy, small and specific intrachromosomal regions, the presence of extrachromosomal DNA that could be exchanged between strains, and genomic mutations (single nucleotide variations, insertions or deletions).1414. Ponte-Sucre A, Gamarro F, Dujardin JC, Barrett MP, López-Vélez R, García-Hernández R, et al. Drug resistance and treatment failure in leishmaniasis: a 21st century challenge. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11(12): 1-24.,1515. Papadopoulou B, Ouellette M, Laffitte MCN, Leprohon P. Plasticity of the Leishmania genome leading to gene copy number variations and drug resistance. F1000Res. 2016; 5: 1-10. In Leishmania, variations in gene dosage or chromosome copy number also influence drug susceptibility. In addition, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the drug targets or transporters can lead to drug resistance without change in the gene expression.1414. Ponte-Sucre A, Gamarro F, Dujardin JC, Barrett MP, López-Vélez R, García-Hernández R, et al. Drug resistance and treatment failure in leishmaniasis: a 21st century challenge. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11(12): 1-24. Drug resistance in Leishmania is complex and few studies have investigated these adaptive mechanisms.1313. Barrera MC, Rojas LJ, Weiss A, Fernandez O, McMahon-Pratt D, Saravia NG, et al. Profiling gene expression of antimony response genes in Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis and infected macrophages and its relationship with drug susceptibility. Acta Trop. 2017; 176: 355-63. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the possible Leishmania genes that may be associated with drug resistance, such as genomic mutations or changes in gene expression. In addition to identifying these genes, it is also important to find a marker that predicts the outcome of leishmaniasis treatment in clinical use. Identification of markers can help in medical treatment by avoiding treatment of the patient with chemotherapeutic agents to which Leishmania species may be resistant. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review is to summarise the results of the literature on genetic factors that may be associated with resistance to antimony pentavalent drugs in CL.


Search strategy - This study is a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol [Supplementary data (Tables I-II)],1616. Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A; PRISMA-P Group, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Sys Rev. 2015; 4(1): 1-9. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-4-1.
addressing the genetic factors associated with antimonial drug resistance in CL.

The database searches were performed on February 11, 2023 using PubMed (National Centre for Biotechnology Information NCBI), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde). The keywords were identified using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to construct the following search algorithm: (“cutaneous leishmaniasis” OR “Leishmania braziliensis” OR “Leishmania amazonensis” OR “Leishmania guyanensis” OR “Leishmania major” OR “Leishmania viannia”) AND (“drug resistance” OR “treatment failure” OR resistance OR “drug susceptibility” OR “treatment outcome”) AND (mutation* OR gene* OR polymorphism OR SNP OR expression OR RNA-seq).

Eligibility criteria - The following inclusion criteria were used to select eligible articles to be included in this study: (i) articles investigating mutations in the genome and/or changes in gene expression of Leishmania associated with therapy resistance; (ii) articles that used antimonial drug in the therapy of CL; (iii) studies that used naturally resistant strains isolated from patients; (iv) articles in English, Portuguese or Spanish; (v) articles published from the year 2000 onwards.

The following exclusion criteria were also applied in the selection of articles: (i) review articles or case reports; (ii) articles in which the presence of Leishmania genetic factors in CL was not measured, quantified or identified; (iii) articles in which only animal studies were reported; (iv) articles in which visceral or diffuse leishmaniasis was studied; (v) studies in which laboratory-induced mutations or expressions were used; (vi) samples from patients with chronic infectious diseases; (vii) articles in which drugs other than antimony were used.

Data extraction - Initially, two authors (RLAN and TMSS) independently read the titles and abstracts using the selection criteria for the first selection. For the second selection, the full articles were read and reviewed for eligibility. Disagreements between the two reviewers were analysed by a third reviewer (LAS).

The following data was then extracted from the selected articles: type of study, title, authors, year of publication, location of study, type of sample, Leishmania species, classification of resistance, method used to identify mutations, genes analysed with genomic mutation, method used for gene expression analysis, gene expression analysed, genes associated with resistance, genes associated with susceptibility. The data obtained were summarised and synthesised in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and the results were presented in frequencies.

The “Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional and Cohort Studies” was used to assess the quality of the articles and the risk of bias. To assess the risk of bias, the percentage of “yes” answers on the checklist was calculated for each article. Articles were classified as low risk of bias at 70% or more, medium risk of bias at 50-69%, and high risk of bias at 50% or less.1717. Aromataris E, Munn Z, Moola S, Tufanaru C, Sears K, Sfetcu R, et al. Checklist for analytical cross sectional studies. Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. 2020; 7: 105-7.

Registration - The protocol of this systematic review was registered in International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) by registration number: CRD42021225134. This protocol proposed to investigate genetic factors associated with resistance to different drugs used to treat leishmaniasis, such as amphotericin B, antimonials and miltefosine, but the search only found articles evaluating antimonials and the results were presented in this review.


A total of 1,368 articles were found on the PubMed (1,312), SciELO (7) and LILACS (49) platforms. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied and a total of 23 articles were selected for this study (Figure). All cases investigated in the included articles were CL. All included articles included presented a low risk of bias according to the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist [Supplementary data (Table I)].

Flowchart of this systematic review study selection.

Of the 23 articles selected, thirteen (56.5%) were cross-sectional studies and ten (43.5%) were cohort studies. In more than half of the studies, the samples were from Iran (60.9%), while the other studies were from Central and South America (34.8%) and did not provide information on the place of origin of the samples (4.3%). The Central and South American countries included were Brazil (21.7%), Peru (8.7%) and Panama (4.3%), as well as one study with samples from Suriname (4.3%), which also used samples from Brazil and Peru (Table I). Among the included articles, there is no consensus on the classification of cure and treatment failure. Four articles (17.4%) defined treatment failure after three or more cycles of the drug without cure, six studies (26.1%) considered three months of treatment without cure, four articles (17.4%) considered no cure after one cycle, one study (4,3%) considered active damage after two cycles, one study (4.3%) considered relapse after six months of treatment, five studies (21.8%) considered EC50 (half maximum effective concentration), and two studies (8.7%) provided no information (Tables II-III).

Characteristics of the included articles (n = 23)
Characteristics of selected studies that evaluated Leishmania genome mutations of genes associated with drug resistance (n = 9)
Characteristics of selected studies that evaluated Leishmania expression of genes associated with drug resistance (n = 18)

Regarding the method used to obtain genetic material from Leishmania spp. all articles used biopsy or aspirated fluid. In six of these articles, drugs were also used in cultures to confirm parasite sensitivity and resistance. When the growth of the parasite in culture entered the logarithmic phase, the genetic material, DNA and/or RNA, was extracted. In one of the articles, the genetic material of the parasites was obtained directly from the aspirated fluid of the lesions. In eight (34.8%) articles, the genetic material was obtained directly from the biopsy sample, and in 15 other studies the parasites from biopsy cultures (Table I).

The species evaluated were Leishmania (L.) tropica in eight articles, L. major in eight, L. braziliensis in six, L. panamensis and L. guyanensis in two studies each. All cases investigated in the included articles were CL. Of all the articles, most investigated Leishmania gene expression (n = 18). Four of these articles investigated both mutation and gene expression. Five articles investigated only genomic mutations (Table I).

Of the nine studies that analysed mutations, only one examined the complete genome. The remaining eight studies analysed a total of eight different gene regions. Three mutations were identified in the Aquaglyceroporin 1 (AQP1) gene: A516C (L. braziliensis),1818. Rugani JN, Gontijo CMF, Frézard F, Soares RP, do Monte-Neto RL. Antimony resistance in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates from atypical lesions associates with increased ARM56/ARM58 transcripts and reduced drug uptake. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2019; 114: 1-9. G562A (L. major),1919. Alijani Y, Hosseini SS, Ahmadian S, Boughattas S, Eslami G, Naderian S, et al. Molecular analysis of Aquaglyceroporin 1 gene in non-healing clinical isolates obtained from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from central of Iran. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 2019; 13(2): 145-52. and G700A (L. major).2020. Somee R, Eslami G, Vakili M. Mitogen-activated protein kinase and Aquaglyceroporin gene expression in treatment failure Leishmania major. Acta Parasitol. 2021; 67(1): 309-15. Additionally, a mutation in Heatshock 70 (HSP70) gene, T579A (L. braziliensis),1111. Torres DC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Dávila AMR, Cupolillo E. Assessment of drug resistance related genes as candidate markers for treatment outcome prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Acta Trop. 2013; 126(2): 132-41. was associated with drug resistance to pentavalent antimony. Although the T579A mutation in the HSP70 gene was only identified in one article, this finding was strongly associated with a significant increase in the likelihood of treatment failure in L. braziliensis isolates. This mutation can predict 75% of cases of treatment failure with pentavalent antimonial, and this was the only included study in which the prediction of treatment outcome was calculated.1414. Ponte-Sucre A, Gamarro F, Dujardin JC, Barrett MP, López-Vélez R, García-Hernández R, et al. Drug resistance and treatment failure in leishmaniasis: a 21st century challenge. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11(12): 1-24. One article identifies variations in the Trypanothione reductase (TRYR) gene that may affect the structure of the protein. This study used samples that were classified as resistant (no cure after one cycle of treatment), but it does not provide information on whether this mutation contributes to drug resistance. It suggests that further studies with different populations are needed to confirm resistance (Table II).

In the included studies, the gene expression associated with drug resistance was investigated in 30 different genes. Significantly increased expression was found in 13 genes: Multi-drug resistance protein A (MRPA) (n = 2 articles), ATP-binding cassette ABC transporters 3 (ABCC3) (n = 1 article), Gama synthetase (γ-GCS) (n = 2 articles), Antimony resistant marker (ARM58) (n = 1 article), TRYR (n = 2 articles), Ubiquitin (n = 1 article), AAP3 (n = 1 article), ODC (ornithine decarboxylase) (n = 1 article), AQP1 (n = 1 article), FeSOD (iron superoxide dismutases) (n = 1 article) and AAP3 (n = 1 article). Eight genes were found to have a significant decrease in gene expression associated with resistance: AQP1 (n = 8 articles), MAPK (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase) (n = 2 articles), ROS3 (Complex Miltefosine Transporter) (n = 1 article), GCS (n = 1 article), TRYR (n = 1 article), TRYP (n = 1 article) and HSP 83 (n = 1 article) (Table III). In most of the included articles, no measures of association such as relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR) for mutations in the genome and/or changes in parasite gene expression were calculated that would allow prediction of drug resistance.


Drug resistance and treatment failure in leishmaniasis are challenging due to the limited number of available drugs and the lack of knowledge about therapeutic mechanisms of resistance, including genetic mechanisms.44. Croft SL, Sundar S, Fairlamb AH. Drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2006; 19(1): 111-26. Resistance to Leishmania was studied primarily evaluated using antimonial pentavalent,1010. Frézard F, Demicheli C, Ribeiro RR. Pentavalent antimonials: new perspectives for old drugs. Molecules. 2009; 14(7): 2317-36. one of the main drugs recommended by the WHO and widely used in Brazil77. MS/SVS/DVDT - Ministério da Saúde/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde/Departamento de Vigilância das Doenças Transmissíveis. Manual de vigilância da leishmaniose tegumentar. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2017. 189 pp. Available from: and Iran.2121. Reithinger R, Dujardin JC, Louzir H, Pirmez C, Alexander B, Brooker S. cutaneous leishmaniasis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007; 7(9): 581-96. Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease that requires a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the parasite and the disease itself in order to effectively prevent and control it. With the development of advanced technologies, genome sequencing, gene expression profiling and the identification of genetic mutations and aneuploidies have become important public health tools to predict clinical outcomes, assessing drug-resistant strains and control the disease. This study is the first comprehensive effort to summarise the genes that may be associated with natural resistance to pentavalent antimony drug in Leishmania. Genes such as AQP1, TDR1, TRYR, HSP70, FeSOD and genes related to ABC transporters are potential markers for the prediction of drug resistance. By considering the genomic mutations and gene expression patterns of these genes, it is possible to improve the detection and prevention of drug resistance in Leishmania.

Of all the genes identified in this study, AQP1 was the most extensively studied gene in relation to drug resistance in leishmaniasis. AQP1 plays a crucial role in the osmotic regulation of Leishmania by facilitating the transport of water and unpaired polar solutes between the extracellular and intracellular environments.2222. Plourde M, Ubeda JM, Mandal G, Do Monte-Neto RL, Mukhopadhyay R, Ouellette M. Generation of an aquaglyceroporin AQP1 null mutant in Leishmania major. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2015; 201(2): 108-11. Additionally, AQP1 is involved in the transport of various metabolites, including pentavalent antimonial, an important drug for the treatment of leishmaniasis.2323. Bhattacharjee H, Rosen BP, Mukhopadhyay R. Aquaglyceroporins and metalloid transport: implications in human diseases. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2009; 190: 1-16. A decrease in AQP1 gene expression, as observed in this review, would lead to reduced sensitivity to drugs.44. Croft SL, Sundar S, Fairlamb AH. Drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2006; 19(1): 111-26. Furthermore, mutations in this gene could impair drug efflux and influx.1818. Rugani JN, Gontijo CMF, Frézard F, Soares RP, do Monte-Neto RL. Antimony resistance in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates from atypical lesions associates with increased ARM56/ARM58 transcripts and reduced drug uptake. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2019; 114: 1-9. Consequently, modulation of AQP genes can enhance susceptibility to the drug pentamidine, as has been demonstrated in resistant strains of Trypanosoma brucei.2424. Munday JC, Eze AA, Baker N, Glover L, Clucas C, Andrés DA, et al. Trypanosoma brucei aquaglyceroporin 2 is a high-affinity transporter for pentamidine and melaminophenyl arsenic drugs and the main genetic determinant of resistance to these drugs. J Antimicrob Chem. 2014; 69(3): 651-63.

The articles that assessed mutations in AQP1 have demonstrated that a single change can modify the expression or function of the protein,1818. Rugani JN, Gontijo CMF, Frézard F, Soares RP, do Monte-Neto RL. Antimony resistance in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates from atypical lesions associates with increased ARM56/ARM58 transcripts and reduced drug uptake. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2019; 114: 1-9.,1919. Alijani Y, Hosseini SS, Ahmadian S, Boughattas S, Eslami G, Naderian S, et al. Molecular analysis of Aquaglyceroporin 1 gene in non-healing clinical isolates obtained from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from central of Iran. J Arthropod Borne Dis. 2019; 13(2): 145-52.,2020. Somee R, Eslami G, Vakili M. Mitogen-activated protein kinase and Aquaglyceroporin gene expression in treatment failure Leishmania major. Acta Parasitol. 2021; 67(1): 309-15. leading to a disruption in solute transport.2525. To J, Yeo CY, Soon CH, Torres J. A generic high-throughput assay to detect aquaporin functional mutants: potential application to discovery of aquaporin inhibitors. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 2015; 1850(9): 1869-76. Several genetic variations have been identified, including one in L. braziliensis and two in L. major, all of which are associated with resistance to pentavalent antimony. These results suggest that strains of Leishmania spp. may undergo mutations and develop resistance to one of the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis, leading to a positive selection pressure for these strains. Additionally, a mutation in AQP1 that induces similar resistance has also been described in L. guyanensis in an in vitro model.2626. Monte-Neto R, Laffitte MCN, Leprohon P, Reis P, Frézard F, Ouellette M. Intrachromosomal amplification, locus deletion and point mutation in the Aquaglyceroporin AQP1 gene in antimony resistant Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015; 9(2): 1-24. Therefore, epidemiologic and genomic surveillance is crucial for the identification of mutations and resistant strains.

Another significant protein described in the literature is TDR1, an enzyme present in parasites of the genus Leishmania and Trypanosoma. This protein is important for the control of redox regulation2727. Fyfe PK, Westrop GD, Silva AM, Coombs GH, Hunter WN. Leishmania TDR1 structure, a unique trimeric glutathione transferase capable of deglutathionylation and antimonial prodrug activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012; 109(29): 11693-8. and is mainly expressed in the amastigote phase, which could explain the higher sensitivity of the mammalian phase to antimonials.2828. Denton H, McGregor JC, Coombs GH. Reduction of anti-leishmanial pentavalent antimonial drugs by a parasite-specific thiol-dependent reductase, TDR1. Biochem J. 2004; 381(2): 405-12. The association between this gene and drug resistance may be species-specific, as the only study that reported an association investigated L. tropica.2929. Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33. In Trypanosoma cruzi, application of the TDR1 protein has been shown to modulate the immune response against the parasite in mice, although similar results have not been found in L. infantum, a species associated with visceral forms.3030. Silva AM, Tavares J, Silvestre R, Ouaissi A, Coombs GH, Cordeiro-da-Silva A. Characterization of Leishmania infantum thiol-dependent reductase 1 and evaluation of its potential to induce immune protection. Parasite Immunol. 2012; 34(6): 345-50. Therefore, further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between this gene and drug resistance.

The TRYR gene is another promising candidate for predicting treatment failure. This gene is conserved across species1111. Torres DC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Dávila AMR, Cupolillo E. Assessment of drug resistance related genes as candidate markers for treatment outcome prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Acta Trop. 2013; 126(2): 132-41. and is associated with thiol biosynthesis/redox metabolism.3131. Torres DC, Adaui V, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Arévalo J, Cupolillo E, et al. Targeted gene expression profiling in Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania guyanensis parasites isolated from Brazilian patients with different antimonial treatment outcomes. Infect Genet Evol. 2010; 10(6): 727-33. In trypanosomatids, trypanothione has been identified as a target for trivalent arsenic drugs.3232. Romão PRT, Tovar J, Fonseca SG, Moraes RH, Cruz AK, Hothersall JS, et al. Glutathione and the redox control system trypanothione/trypanothione reductase are involved in the protection of Leishmania spp. against nitrosothiol-induced cytotoxicity. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2006; 39(3): 355-63. In this review, the results on TRYR expression were found to be inconsistent. Two articles found an increase in expression in L. braziliensis and L. tropica,3333. Adaui V, Schnorbusch K, Zimic M, Gutirrez A, Decuypere S, Vanaerschot M, et al. Comparison of gene expression patterns among Leishmania braziliensis clinical isolates showing a different in vitro susceptibility to pentavalent antimony. Parasitology. 2011; 138(2): 183-93. and another found a decrease in expression associated with drug resistance in L. major.3434. Nourbakhsh A, Eslami G, Sohrevardi SM, Vakili M. The expression profile of LmTRYP, LmTRYR, and LmHSP83 genes in treatment failure clinical isolates of Leishmania major. Ann Parasitol. 2021; 67(4): 749-55. One difference between these studies is that different species were used, which emphasises the importance of further studies with different species to confirm the relevance of TRYR in treatment failure. When protein abundance and activity were assessed, TRYR activity was found to be overexpressed in antimony-resistant L. tropica strains.3535. Nateghi-Rostami M, Tasbihi M, Darzi F. Involvement of tryparedoxin peroxidase (TryP) and trypanothione reductase (TryR) in antimony unresponsive of Leishmania tropica clinical isolates of Iran. Acta Trop. 2022; 230: 106392. As this gene is parasite-specific, it is being studied more closely in drug development as it is unlikely to cause harm to the patient. In the search for new drugs against leishmaniasis, TRYR could serve as a therapeutic target or as a marker for resistant strains. Moreover, its use as a marker for drug resistance is facilitated by the fact that direct analysis of samples obtained from the lesion may be used, allowing faster and more appropriate intervention.

Other proteins that are part of the parasite’s defence against oxidative stress are also important, such as Glutathione synthetase, Spermidine Synthase, Trypanothione peroxidase, Trypanothione reductase Triparedoxin peroxidase. A higher expression of subtilisins and TXNPx genes was found in axenic amastigotes. This shows the phenotypic heterogeneity of the parasites.3636. Zabala-Peñafiel A, Dias-Lopes G, Cysne-Finkelstein L, Conceição-Silva F, Miranda LFC, Fagundes A, et al. Serine proteases profiles of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates with distinct susceptibilities to antimony. Sci Rep. 2021; 11(1): 14234. The control mechanisms of redox regulation are emerging as one of the main foci in the evaluation of drug resistance in parasites, as they represent a way for the parasite to avoid or reduce damage from the immune response, as shown in the articles included in this study.3535. Nateghi-Rostami M, Tasbihi M, Darzi F. Involvement of tryparedoxin peroxidase (TryP) and trypanothione reductase (TryR) in antimony unresponsive of Leishmania tropica clinical isolates of Iran. Acta Trop. 2022; 230: 106392.,3636. Zabala-Peñafiel A, Dias-Lopes G, Cysne-Finkelstein L, Conceição-Silva F, Miranda LFC, Fagundes A, et al. Serine proteases profiles of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates with distinct susceptibilities to antimony. Sci Rep. 2021; 11(1): 14234.,3737. Torres DC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Dávila AMR, Cupolillo E. Assessment of drug resistance related genes as candidate markers for treatment outcome prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Acta Trop. 2013; 126(2): 132-41.,3838. Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33.,3939. Denton H, McGregor JC, Coombs GH. Reduction of anti-leishmanial pentavalent antimonial drugs by a parasite-specific thiol-dependent reductase, TDR1. Biochem J. 2004; 381(2): 405-12.

Among the genes identified in this review, HSP70 can serve as a first line of defence against antimony.4040. Brochu C, Halmeur A, Ouellette M. The heat shock protein HSP70 and heat shock cognate protein HSC70 contribute to antimony tolerance in the protozoan parasite Leishmania. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2004; 9(3): 294-303. This may favour the phase shape change of Leishmania spp. and enable the infection of macrophages. In both Schistosoma mansoni4141. Miller MA, McGowan SE, Gantt KR, Champion M, Novick SL, Andersen KA, et al. Inducible resistance to oxidant stress in the protozoan Leishmania chagasi. J Biol Chem. 2000; 275(43): 33883-9. and Plasmodium falciparum,4242. Shonhai A. Plasmodial heat shock proteins: targets for chemotherapy. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2010; 58(1): 61-74. HSP70 is considered one of the most significant proteins involved in drug action. Although genetic errors that lead to mutations are a natural process, HP70 is a highly conserved gene (0.00084 average pairwise nucleotide diversity) with a crucial function in the growth and life cycle of the parasite, and a mutation can impair its function. Therefore, mutations in this gene may disrupt these mechanisms and lead to increased resistance to the drug. Although the T579A mutation in the HSP70 gene was identified in one article, this mutation may predict 75% of cases of treatment failure with pentavalent antimonial.1111. Torres DC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Dávila AMR, Cupolillo E. Assessment of drug resistance related genes as candidate markers for treatment outcome prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Acta Trop. 2013; 126(2): 132-41.

In the present review, two articles indicated that an increase in γ-GCS gene expression was associated with resistance,3131. Torres DC, Adaui V, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Arévalo J, Cupolillo E, et al. Targeted gene expression profiling in Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania guyanensis parasites isolated from Brazilian patients with different antimonial treatment outcomes. Infect Genet Evol. 2010; 10(6): 727-33.,4343. Mohebali M, Kazemirad E, Hajjaran H, Kazemirad E, Oshaghi MA, Raoofian R, et al. Gene expression analysis of antimony resistance in Leishmania tropica using quantitative real-time PCR focused on genes involved in trypanothione metabolism and drug transport. Arch Dermatol Res. 2019; 311(1): 9-17. while one article reported the opposite.2929. Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33. Notably, these studies used the same methodology, investigated the same Leishmania species (L. tropica), were conducted in the same geographic region (Iran) and investigated the same drug for treatment.2929. Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33.,4343. Mohebali M, Kazemirad E, Hajjaran H, Kazemirad E, Oshaghi MA, Raoofian R, et al. Gene expression analysis of antimony resistance in Leishmania tropica using quantitative real-time PCR focused on genes involved in trypanothione metabolism and drug transport. Arch Dermatol Res. 2019; 311(1): 9-17.γ-GCS is an important enzyme involved in glutathione biosynthesis and plays a crucial role in cell defence against oxidative stress.3131. Torres DC, Adaui V, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Arévalo J, Cupolillo E, et al. Targeted gene expression profiling in Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania guyanensis parasites isolated from Brazilian patients with different antimonial treatment outcomes. Infect Genet Evol. 2010; 10(6): 727-33.,4444. Grondin K, Haimeur A, Mukhopadhyay R, Rosen BP, Ouellette M. Co-amplification of the ?-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene gsh1 and of the ABC transporter gene pgpA in arsenite-resistant Leishmania tarentolae. EMBO J. 1997; 16(11): 3057-65. Further studies are required to investigate the impact of the expression of this gene on the development of resistance. The γ-GCS is part of a group of proteins of the ABC transporter that appears to be important for the development of glucantim-resistant Leishmania strains. It was also found that in addition to the GCS gene, other genes such as ODC and GSH1 were overexpressed in transfected L. guyanensis strains resistant to Glucantime.4545. Fonseca MS, Comini MA, Resende BV, Santi AMM, Zoboli AP, Moreira DS, et al. Ornithine decarboxylase or gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase overexpression protects Leishmania (Vianna) guyanensis against antimony. Exp Parasitol. 2017; 175(2017): 36-43. One article included in this review described increased expression of the ODC gene in association with drug resistance in Leishmania spp. Thus, an isolated analysis of the genes that constitute the ABC transporter does not suggest that they are suitable as reliable markers for drug resistance. However, an analysis considering all genes or a subset of them may contribute to a better prediction of drug resistance.

Another important gene is the gene encoding the MRPA protein, which is also part of the ABC transporter. In almost half of the studies in which MRPA expression was investigated, increased expression was associated with drug resistance. This can also impact the mechanism of pentavalent antimony influx or efflux, as antimony can be stored in intracellular vesicles of antimony-thiol complexes, leading to inactivation.99. Sereno D, Harrat Z, Eddaikra N. Meta-analysis and discussion on challenges to translate Leishmania drug resistance phenotyping into the clinic. Acta Trop. 2019; 191: 204-11.,4646. Restrepo CM, Llanes A, Cedeño EM, Chang JH, Álvarez J, Ríos M, et al. Environmental conditions may shape the patterns of genomic variations in Leishmania panamensis. Genes (Basel). 2019; 10(11): 838. Several studies have demonstrated that increased MRPA expression may be associated with drug resistance in L. tropica-induced injury.1818. Rugani JN, Gontijo CMF, Frézard F, Soares RP, do Monte-Neto RL. Antimony resistance in Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis clinical isolates from atypical lesions associates with increased ARM56/ARM58 transcripts and reduced drug uptake. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2019; 114: 1-9.,2929. Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33.,4343. Mohebali M, Kazemirad E, Hajjaran H, Kazemirad E, Oshaghi MA, Raoofian R, et al. Gene expression analysis of antimony resistance in Leishmania tropica using quantitative real-time PCR focused on genes involved in trypanothione metabolism and drug transport. Arch Dermatol Res. 2019; 311(1): 9-17.,4747. Kazemi-Rad E, Mohebali M, Khadem-Erfan MB, Hajjaran H, Hadighi R, Khamesipour A, et al. Overexpression of ubiquitin and amino acid permease genes in association with antimony resistance in Leishmania tropica field isolates. Korean J Parasitol. 2013; 51(4): 413-9. Similar observations have been made in other species such as L. guyanensis, L. amazonensis and L. braziliensis4848. Moreira DS, Monte Neto RL, Andrade JM, Santi AMM, Reis PG, Frézard F, et al. Molecular characterization of the MRPA transporter and antimony uptake in four New World Leishmania spp. susceptible and resistant to antimony. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 2013; 3: 143-53. as well as in other Kinetoplastids such as T. brucei.4949. Shahi SK, Krauth-Siegel RL, Clayton CE. Overexpression of the putative thiol conjugate transporter TbMRPA causes melarsoprol resistance in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Microbiol. 2002; 43(5): 1129-38.,5050. Alibu VP, Richter C, Voncken F, Marti G, Shahi S, Renggli CK, et al. The role of Trypanosoma brucei MRPA in melarsoprol susceptibility. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2006; 146(1): 38-44.

Iron transport is very important for Leishmania. FeSOD (iron superoxide dismutase) is a key to the antioxidant defence system of most organisms, including Leishmania parasites. SOD removes excess superoxide anions and converts them into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen.5151. Santi A, Silva P, Santos I, Murta S. Downregulation of FeSOD-A expression in Leishmania infantum alters trivalent antimony and miltefosine susceptibility. Parasit Vectors. 2021; 14: 366. The response to oxidative stress caused by the immune system during defence is an important way to fight the parasite. The Leishmania use FeSOD to defend themselves against environmental detoxification and neutralise oxidative stress. In this review, Bahrami et al.6363. Bahrami A, Mohebali M, Nafchi HR, Raoofian R, Kazemirad E, Hajjaran H. Overexpression of iron super oxide dismutases A/B genes are associated with antimony resistance of Leishmania tropica clinical isolates. Iran J Parasitol. 2022; 17(4): 473-82. shows an increased expression of FeSOD in most resistant samples. This adaptation within the cell is very important for resistant Leishmania.5252. Longoni SS, Sánchez-Moreno M, López JER, Marín C. Leishmania infantum secreted iron superoxide dismutase purification and its application to the diagnosis of canine Leishmaniasis. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013; 36(5): 499-506.

This systematic literature review focuses on the evaluation of clinically applicable data and excludes certain experimental aspects of drug resistance, such as studies using animal models, genetically modified strains or induction of gene overexpression. This exclusion may be considered a potential limitation of this study. However, the evaluation of genetic conditions of lesion samples would provide a better understanding of the real situation in cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions, including the real conditions for parasite adaptation to drugs and the mechanisms of immune response. Another limitation of the included studies is that most of them focused on specific genes, which limits their ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of the parasite’s transcriptome and complete genome changes. In addition, it should be noted that although the parasite was isolated from a culture of lesions in most of the included articles, this is not an ideal method for genetic evaluation compared to analysing material from biopsies, which would be more appropriate. In some articles, drug resistance was confirmed by in vitro drug susceptibility testing. However, in vitro drug susceptibility testing is not sufficient to detect treatment failure in leishmaniasis patients, as failure is multifactorial and in vitro results may not correlate with in vivo results. There is an urgent need to develop a more appropriate strategy to assess resistance.5353. Domagalska MA, Barrett MP, Dujardin JC. Drug resistance in Leishmania: Does it really matter? Trends Parasitol. 2023; 39(4): 251-9. Nonetheless, articles using these analyses can help to identify genes associated with resistance that can be validated in future in vivo tests.5454. Adaui V, Maes I, Huyse T, Van den Broeck F, Talledo M, Kuhls K, et al. Multilocus genotyping reveals a polyphyletic pattern among naturally antimony-resistant Leishmania braziliensis isolates from Peru. Infect Genet Evol. 2011; 11(8): 1873-80.

Finally, there are no established guidelines for defining drug resistance in leishmaniasis treatment, and there is a lack of standardised methods for assessing resistance. This lack of standardisation hampers our understanding of susceptibility and resistance to antimonial pentavalent in leishmaniasis. Therefore, conducting studies with drug resistance classification guidelines and standardised assessment methods is important to obtain more reliable and applicable information.

Some mechanisms are crucial for the survival of Leishmania spp. Among the most important ones identified in this review are genes involved in defence against oxidative stress and conversion of the promastigote into an amastigote. Some of the genes associated with oxidative stress defence are AQP1, TRYR, FeSOD and ABC transporters, which are also important for parasite adaptation. HSP70, which is also discussed here, may play a significant role in the adaptation of the parasite to immune response.

The results of this study have important implications for the development of strategies against drug resistance in leishmaniasis. Understanding the genetic factors underlying drug resistance enables the design of targeted interventions and the development of new therapeutic approaches to address this challenge. It also facilitates the development of markers to assess drug resistance, enabling more effective treatment. Continued research in this area and further development of molecular technologies will further improve our ability to combat drug resistance and effectively treat leishmaniasis.


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    Monte-Neto R, Laffitte MCN, Leprohon P, Reis P, Frézard F, Ouellette M. Intrachromosomal amplification, locus deletion and point mutation in the Aquaglyceroporin AQP1 gene in antimony resistant Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015; 9(2): 1-24.
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    Fyfe PK, Westrop GD, Silva AM, Coombs GH, Hunter WN. Leishmania TDR1 structure, a unique trimeric glutathione transferase capable of deglutathionylation and antimonial prodrug activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012; 109(29): 11693-8.
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    Denton H, McGregor JC, Coombs GH. Reduction of anti-leishmanial pentavalent antimonial drugs by a parasite-specific thiol-dependent reductase, TDR1. Biochem J. 2004; 381(2): 405-12.
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    Oliaee RT, Sharifi I, Afgar A, Kareshk AT, Asadi A, Heshmatkhah A, et al. Unresponsiveness to meglumine antimoniate in anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis field isolates: analysis of resistance biomarkers by gene expression profiling. Trop Med Int Health. 2018; 23(6): 622-33.
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    Silva AM, Tavares J, Silvestre R, Ouaissi A, Coombs GH, Cordeiro-da-Silva A. Characterization of Leishmania infantum thiol-dependent reductase 1 and evaluation of its potential to induce immune protection. Parasite Immunol. 2012; 34(6): 345-50.
  • 31
    Torres DC, Adaui V, Ribeiro-Alves M, Romero GAS, Arévalo J, Cupolillo E, et al. Targeted gene expression profiling in Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania guyanensis parasites isolated from Brazilian patients with different antimonial treatment outcomes. Infect Genet Evol. 2010; 10(6): 727-33.
  • 32
    Romão PRT, Tovar J, Fonseca SG, Moraes RH, Cruz AK, Hothersall JS, et al. Glutathione and the redox control system trypanothione/trypanothione reductase are involved in the protection of Leishmania spp. against nitrosothiol-induced cytotoxicity. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2006; 39(3): 355-63.
  • 33
    Adaui V, Schnorbusch K, Zimic M, Gutirrez A, Decuypere S, Vanaerschot M, et al. Comparison of gene expression patterns among Leishmania braziliensis clinical isolates showing a different in vitro susceptibility to pentavalent antimony. Parasitology. 2011; 138(2): 183-93.
  • 34
    Nourbakhsh A, Eslami G, Sohrevardi SM, Vakili M. The expression profile of LmTRYP, LmTRYR, and LmHSP83 genes in treatment failure clinical isolates of Leishmania major. Ann Parasitol. 2021; 67(4): 749-55.
  • 35
    Nateghi-Rostami M, Tasbihi M, Darzi F. Involvement of tryparedoxin peroxidase (TryP) and trypanothione reductase (TryR) in antimony unresponsive of Leishmania tropica clinical isolates of Iran. Acta Trop. 2022; 230: 106392.
  • 36
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  • Financial support:

    FAPESB [RLAN scholarship (BOL0603/2019) ], CNPq [TMSS (130231/2020-7) and LAS (152107/2018-5) scholarships].

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Dec 2023
  • Accepted
    26 June 2024
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