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Correlation Among the Input Thermal Parameters and Thermography Measurements Data of the Resistance Seam Welding


Resistance Seam Welding (RSEW) is commonly used in continuous steel processing for joining steel coils. Experimental studies focused on the welding process quality controls are justified by their wide application and influence on the performance of steelmaking processes. The present study focuses on the continuous annealing line welding process using as sample, a low carbon steel (0.07%C) with 0.21 mm thickness. The work proposes a correlation of thermal input, electric current parameter and thermogram monitoring during RSEW procedures. A methodology was developed to determine the real thermal profiles values by means of association of the thermograms with the sample emissivity curve. Three heat input levels were used, 3.64, 5.09, and 6.38, respectively, for typical C-Mn steel. The thermal welding profile obtained experimentally exhibited linear correlation coefficients (R) of 0.99 with the electric current welding parameter and (R) of 0.99 with the calculated thermal input, respectively. The welds metallurgical characterizations results, expressed through the ductility and welds nuggets analysis, were conducted to correlate the welds quality with the welding thermal input. The Erichsen cupping test showed that the higher the thermal input corresponds to higher ductility of the welds. Nevertheless, the heat input of 5.09 indicated better-balanced properties: ductility, weld nugget discontinuity, nugget size, and no expulsion of the melt material.

Resistance seam welding; thermography; thermal input; metallurgical characterization; emissivity curve

ABM, ABC, ABPol UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235, 13565-905 - São Carlos - SP- Brasil. Tel (55 16) 3351-9487 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil