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Open-access Stochastic Analysis of Flexural Strength of RC Beams Subjected to Chloride Induced Corrosion

Importance of consideration of chloride induced corrosion in service life design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures situated in marine environment is well known. This paper attempts to provide, within the framework of Monte Carlo Simulation, methodologies for durability based service life design of RC members. A methodology using fragility curves is proposed to assist in the service life design of freely degrading RC flexural beams. For maintained RC beams, a methodology is developed, that incorporates the concepts of virtual aging, failure rate approach and time-variant reliability analysis. By addressing maintenance at the design stage itself, the methodology developed would help in sustainability based service life design. The use of both the methodologies is demonstrated by considering an example of T-beam. From the results of the example problem considered, it has been found that corrosion initiation time would govern the service life. 30% replacement of cement with pulverized fuel ash is considered as a sustainable alternative for construction of durable structures satisfying the service life performance targets with lesser number of repairs.

Keywords: reinforced concrete beams; chloride induced corrosion; service life design; virtual aging; failure rate approach; time-variant reliability analysis

ABM, ABC, ABPol UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235, 13565-905 - São Carlos - SP- Brasil. Tel (55 16) 3351-9487 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil
E-mail: pessan@ufscar.br
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