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Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Stacking Sequence on Damage Resistance and Post-indentation Performance of Glass/Epoxy Laminates Under Different Loading Planes Using Acoustic Emission Monitoring


This research work focuses on the experimental investigation of indentation damage resistance and post-indented performance of different stacking sequence of glass/epoxy laminates using mechanical and acoustic responses. The laminates with stacking sequence, namely [0]12, [0/90]6S, [+45/-45]6S and [0/+45/-45/90]3S were subjected to normal and inclined indentation with acoustic emission monitoring. Quasi-static indentation (QSI) test was conducted on the center of the laminates using a hemispherical steel indenter with 12.7 mm diameter. The residual strength of the laminates was computed by conducting flexural after indentation test. Mechanical responses such as peak force, residual dent, linear stiffness and absorbed energy were employed to assess induced damages. The results reveal that the quasi-isotropic (QIS) laminates having better indentation damage resistance under 0o and 10o loading planes, whereas the angle-ply (AP) laminates performed well at 20o. Moreover, the normalised cumulative counts, energy rate, peak frequency, AE hits and sentry function were used to evaluate the damage initiation and propagation. Further, AE results show that the shear induced damage has been reduced in AP as compared with QIS laminates under 20o indentation plane. Finally, this study concluded that the QIS and AP laminates exhibited better indentation resistance under 0o and 10o, and 20o loading planes respectively.

Indentation damage; Acoustic emission; Peak frequency; Sentry function; Residual flexural strength

ABM, ABC, ABPol UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235, 13565-905 - São Carlos - SP- Brasil. Tel (55 16) 3351-9487 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil