Logomarca do periódico: Materials Research

Open-access Materials Research

Publicação de: ABM, ABC, ABPol
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 1516-1439
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5373


Materials Research, Volume: 2, Número: 1, Publicado: 1999

Materials Research, Volume: 2, Número: 1, Publicado: 1999

Document list

Editorial Zanotto, Edgar Dutra
Review Article
Electrochromic glazing Cronin, J.P. Gudgel, T.J. Kennedy, S.R. Agrawal, A. Uhlmann, D.R.

Resumo em Inglês:

Commercialization of large-area electrochromic glazing is reviewed with respect to device configuration and materials employed. Device configurations including electrochromic solutions and solid state electrochromic layers are discussed as well as novel user-controlled photochromic and gasochromic devices.
Original Articles
Optical properties of ZrO2, SiO2 and TiO2-SiO2 xerogels and coatings doped with Eu3+ and Eu2+ Gonçalves, Rogéria R. Messaddeq, Younes Atik, Mohamed Ribeiro, Sidney J.L.

Resumo em Inglês:

Eu3+ doped bulk monoliths and thin films were obtained by sol-gel methods in the ZrO2, SiO2 and SiO2-TiO2 systems. Eu3+ 5D0 <FONT FACE="Symbol">®</font> 7FJ emission and decay time characteristics were measured during the entire experimental preparation route from the initial sol to the final xerogels. The crystalline phases identified were tetragonal ZrO2 and mixtures of rutile and anatase TiO2 at high temperature treatments in bulk samples. Good quality thin films were obtained for all systems by dip-coating optical glasses (Schott BK270). The same spectroscopic features were observed either for the bulk monoliths or the films. By appropriate heat treatments under H2 atmosphere Eu2+ containing samples could be obtained in the SiO2-TiO2 system.
Original Articles
Ferroelectric thin films using oxides as raw materials Araújo, E.B. Eiras, J.A.

Resumo em Inglês:

This work describes an alternative method for the preparation of ferroelectric thin films based on pre-calcination of oxides, to be used as precursor material for a solution preparation. In order to show the viability of the proposed method, PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 and Bi4Ti3O12 thin films were prepared on fused quartz and Si substrates. The results were analyzed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS). The films obtained show good quality, homogeneity and the desired stoichiometry. The estimated thickness for one layer deposition was approximately 1000 Å and 1500 Å for Bi4Ti3O12 and PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 films, respectively.
Original Articles
Use of the pendant drop method to measure interfacial tension between molten polymers Arashiro, Emerson Y. Demarquette, Nicole R.

Resumo em Inglês:

In this paper the pendant drop method to measure interfacial tension between molten polymers is reviewed. A typical pendant drop apparatus is presented. The algorithms used to infer interfacial tension from the geometrical profile of the pendant drop are described in details, in particular a new routine to evaluate correctly the value of the radius at the apex of the drop, necessary to the calculation of interfacial tension is presented. The method was evaluated for the possibility of measuring the interfacial tension between polyethylene and polystyrene. It is shown that the method is unsuitable for the measurement of interfacial tension between high density polyethylene and polystyrene due possibly to a too small difference of density between the two polymers. Values of interfacial tension between low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polystyrene (PS) as a function of the molecular weight of PS are presented. It was shown that the interfacial tension between LDPE and PS increased as a function of molecular weight of PS up to values of molecular weight of roughly 40,000 g/mol, value for which entanglements occur.
Original Articles
Recyclability of PET from virgin resin Mancini, Sandro Donnini Zanin, Maria

Resumo em Inglês:

Bottle grade virgin PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin was investigated through five consecutive injection molding steps to simulate recycling cycles. Tests were carried out after each recycling to evaluate degradation, crystallinity (by density and Differential Scanning Calorimetry-DSC measurements), hardness, and tensile and flexural properties. Consecutive recycling resulted in cumulative chain breaks caused by the material's contact with degrading agents such as temperature, oxygen, mechanical stresses, light, and water. In the fifth recycling step, for example, the number of carboxylic end groups, an indicator of the extent of chain-break, tripled in comparison to the initial molecule. The smaller chains that were formed fit more easily among the larger ones, thus increasing the percentage of crystalline phase in the structure. These two changes in the polymer's structure explained the recycled products' final properties, i.e., the injected samples became progressively harder and more fragile in each recycling step.
Original Articles
Low temperature thermal diffusivity of LiKSO4 obtained using the photoacoustic phase lag method Jorge, M.P.P.M. Vieira, M.M.F. Mendes Filho, J. Oliveira, A.C. Vieira Jr., N.D. Morato, S.P.

Resumo em Inglês:

This paper describes the determination of the thermal diffusivity of LiKSO4 crystals using the photoacoustic phase lag method, in the 77 K to 300 K temperature interval. This method is quite simple and fast and when it is coupled to a specially designed apparatus, that includes a resonant photoacoustic cell, allows for the determination of the thermal diffusivity at low temperatures. The thermal diffusivity is an important parameter that depends on the temperature, and no values of this parameter for LiKSO4, at low temperature, have yet been reported. The LiKSO4 is a crystal with many phase transitions which can be detected via the anomalies in the variation of the thermal diffusivity as a function of the temperature.
Original Articles
A kinetic study of drying of TEOS-derived gels under nearly isothermal conditions Donatti, Dario A. Ibañez Ruiz, Alberto Vollet, Dimas R.

Resumo em Inglês:

The drying of wet Tetraethoxysilane-derived gels was studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis as a function of the time, from the instant when the samples were placed into a pre-heated oven, kept at 70, 83 and 100 °C. The precursor sol of the gel was obtained by sono-hydrolysis of the Tetraethoxysilane under acid condition and the final [Water]/[Tetraethoxysilane] molar ratio was adjusted to 30. The wet gels were cylindrical (2.5 cm height and 1.2 cm diameter) after 30 days of aging at 30 °C in a hermetically sealed container. The changes in volume and weight during drying are compatible with a mechanism controlled by evaporation from a flat liquid-vapour interface at the surface of the body and contraction of the gel by capillary forces, together with structural changes induced by polycondensation, which partially account for the irreversible shrinkage of the gel. The employed thermogravimetric method does not permit to unequivocally follow the small and slow final loss of weight associated to the falling rate periods.
ABM, ABC, ABPol UFSCar - Dep. de Engenharia de Materiais, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235, 13565-905 - São Carlos - SP- Brasil. Tel (55 16) 3351-9487 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil
E-mail: pessan@ufscar.br
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