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The Presence of the State in Social Movement Organizations: Notes on Bilateral Porosity


We argue that the influence of social movements on public policies is marked by a bilateral porosity, in which movements seek to access the pores of the State and open themselves up for the State to permeate their organizations. Through two case studies, the MIEIB and the MSTTR, we show how such movements organize their spaces and events to include representatives of the State, who, in this contact, legitimize movement agendas, qualify themselves in the guidelines defended by the movements, and render accounts.

bilateral porosity; civil society-state interactions; social movements; organizations; State

Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento Rua Morgado de Mateus, 615, CEP: 04015-902 São Paulo/SP, Brasil, Tel: (11) 5574-0399, Fax: (11) 5574-5928 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil