Fig. 1
Metynnismelanogrammus , Brazil, Amazonas, Maués, rio Parauari: a. INPA 52216, male, 141.3 mm SL, holotype; b. INPA 34811, female, 149.4 mm SL, paratype.
Fig. 2
Metynnis melanogrammus , INPA 18457, 144.8 mm SL. Abdominal spines: a. left lateral view; b. dorsal view. blSp, bilateral spine; bpt, basipterygium; poPvSp, post-pelvic spines; prPvSp, prepelvic spines; pvR, pelvic-fin rays. Scale bars: 10 mm.
Fig. 3
Mandibular series of Metynnis melanogrammus , INPA 18457, 144.8 mm SL: a. labial and lingual view of premaxillary; b. labial and lingual view of dentary; c. maxillary. 1-5, teeth in labial row; 1'-2', teeth in lingual row; anAr, anguloarticular; ap, ascending process; dp, descending process; lm, lamellae at symphysis; lp, lateral process of premaxilla; ret, retroarticular; sy, symphyseal tooth; rt, replacement teeth. Scale bar: 10 mm.
Fig. 4
Neurocranium of Metynnis melanogrammus , INPA 18457, 144.8 mm SL: a. lateral view; b. dorsal view; c. ventral view. boc, basi occipital; epBar, epiphyseal bar; epo, epiotic; exoc, exoccipital; fro, frontal; int, intercalar; lEt, lateral ethmoid; mes, mesethmoid; nas, nasal; neu, neural; olf, olfactory fossa; osph, orbitosphenoid; par, parietal; pro, prootic; psph, parasphenoid; ptf, posttemporal fossa; pto, pterotic; ptsph, pterosphenoid; soc, supraoccipital; sorb, supraorbital; sph, sphenotic; vom, vomer. Scale bar: 10 mm.
Fig. 5:
Osteology of Metynnis melanogrammus , INPA 18457, 144.8 mm SL: a. hyopalatine and opercular series; b, infraorbitals; c. hyoid arch; d. left pectoral girdle, lateral view; e. left pectoral girdle, medial view. ach, anterior ceratohyal; apal, autopalatine; ant, antorbital; br, branchiostegal rays; cle, cleithrum; cor, coracoid; dh, dorsal hypohyal; ect, ectopterygoid; end, endopterigoid; exs, extrascapular; hyo, hyomandibular; io1-5, infraorbital 1-5; iop, interopercular; mes, mesocoracoid; met, metapterygoid; op, opercle; pch, posterior ceratohyal; pcle1-3, postcleithrum 1-3; pecR, pectoral-fin rays; pop, preopercle; ptem, posttemporal; qua, quadrate; sca, scapula; scle, supracleithrum; sop, subopercle; sym, symplectic; uh, urohyal; vh, ventral hypohyal. Scale bars: 10 mm.
Fig. 6
Axial skeleton of Metynnis melanogrammus , INPA 18457, 144.8 mm SL: a. dorsal fin, left lateral view; b. anal fin, left lateral view; c. caudal fin, left lateral view; d. abdominal spines, left lateral view; e. abdominal spines, dorsal view. anR, anal-fin rays; blSp, bilateral spine; bpt, basipterygium; dBs, dorsal bony stay; doR, dorsal-fin rays; dRd, distal radial; ep1-2, epural 1-2; h1-5, hypural 1-5; pCdr, principal caudal-fin rays; pMRd, proximal-middle radial; poPvSp, post-pelvic spines; prDSp, predorsal spine; prPvSp, prepelvic spines; pU2-3, preural centrum 2-3; pvR, pelvic-fin rays; U, compound ural centrum. Scale bars: 10 mm.
Fig. 7
Freshly collected Metynnis melanogrammus , male, not-preserved; lago do Aracu, rio Sucunduri, rio Madeira basin. Photo: A. Zenaid.
Fig. 8
Map of northern South America, including northern Brazil and southern Venezuela, showing distribution of
Metynnis melanogrammus . The red star represents the type locality, red circles represent the paratype localities, and the black circle represents the locality on the rio Surunduri at which the live photograph of the new species (
Fig. 7) was taken.