Schematic drawing illustrating applied method for obtaining measurements from Aspidoras specimens (A–D), and head of CS paratype of Aspidoras kiriri in lateral view, NUP 18246, 30.4 mm SL, positioned to maintain the largest diameter of the nasal capsule horizontally (E). Abbreviations: (A) db: depth of body, hod: horizontal orbit diameter, lads: length of adipose-fin spine, lds: length of dorsal-fin spine, lps: length of pectoral-fin spine, mhcp: minimum height of caudal peduncle, padid: preadipose distance, pand: preanal distance, ppd: prepelvic distance, sl: standard length, sn: snout length; (B) dal: distance between dorsal and adipose fins, dfbl: dorsal-fin base length, hd: head depth; (C) lmb: length of maxillary barbel, mcw: maximum cleithral width; (D) hl: head length, iod: interorbital distance, lid: least internareal distance, pdd: predorsal distance; (E) f: frontal, fdbp: first dorsolateral body plate, io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, iop: interopercle, n: nasal, nc: nasal capsule (delimited by dotted lines), op: opercle, pes: pterotic-extrascapular, pop: preopercle, prh: posterodorsal ridge of hyomandibula, pso: parieto-supraoccipital, sph: sphenotic. In (E), solid black lines represent the limits of the bones; red arrow indicates the dorsal ridge of hyomandibula, modified from Oliveira et al., (2017: fig. 4).
Aspidoras aldebaran, holotype, LIRP 16933,30.0 mm SL, Brazil, Mato Grosso State, Alto Araguaia Municipality, ribeirão do Sapo, upstream Couto de Magalhães Waterfall. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Celso Ikedo.
Dorsal view of the head of CS specimens showing the three patterns of paired frontal bones (outlined in black) in Aspidoras: (A) narrow, with width of each frontal slightly smaller than half of its entire length (Aspidoras maculosus, UFBA 3291, 30.7 mm SL), (B) relatively wide, with width equal to or slightly larger than half of entire length (Aspidoras albater, MZUSP 40793, 29.4 mm SL), and (C) extremely narrow, with width clearly smaller than half of entire length (Aspidoras psammatides, UNT 9604, 27.3 mm SL). Scale bars = 1 mm.
Lateral view of the head of CS paratype of Aspidoras aldebaran, LIRP 4494, 27.0 mm SL, showing general pattern of infraorbitals. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Dorsal view of the infraorbital series of CS specimens showing the four patterns of size and shape of the inner laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 (white arrows) in Aspidoras: (A) extremely well developed (Aspidoras albater, MNRJ 13080, 30.9 mm SL), (B) well developed (Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, NUP 12677, 36.1 mm SL), (C) moderately developed (Aspidoras poecilus, UNT 6249, 30.9 mm SL), and (D) poorly developed (Aspidoras psammatides, UNT 9604, 27.3 mm SL). Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras aldebaran, LIRP 4494, CS paratype, 27.0 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Dotted lines indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras aldebaran, LIRP 4494, CS paratype, 27.0 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the reduced laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Ventral view of the complex vertebra in CS specimens of (A) Aspidoras belenos, paratype, UFRJ 4419 (ex-UFRJ 3861), 22.1 mm SL, with well-developed parapophysis, (B) Aspidoras albater, MNRJ 12571, 35.3 mm SL, with poorly-developed parapophysis, and (C) Aspidoras albater, MNRJ 12581 (disarticulated, indeterminate size), with moderately-developed parapophysis. Abbreviations: ccv: centrum of the complex vertebra, pcv: parapophysis of the complex vertebra. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras aldebaran, uncataloged specimen photographed alive (A), and the córrego Gordura, rio Araguaia basin, showing the typical habitat of the new species (B). Photos by Hans Evers.
Map showing the geographical distribution of Aspidoras albater (type locality: red circle; non-type localities: black circles), A. aldebaran (type locality: red star; non-type localities: white stars), A. azaghal (purple triangle), A. belenos (type locality: purple diamond), A. brunneus (possible region of type locality: grey diamond), A. carvalhoi (type locality: purple circle), A. depinnai (type locality: red square; non-type localities: black squares), A. fuscoguttatus (type locality: red triangle; non-type localities: white triangles), A. gabrieli (type locality: red pentagon; non-type locality: white pentagon), A. kiriri (black cross), A. lakoi (type locality: red diamond; non-type locality: black diamond), A. maculosus (red cross), and A. mephisto (type locality: white cross). Each symbol may represent more than one locality.
Aspidoras albater, holotype, MZUSP 12991, 34.2 mm SL, rio Tocantinzinho near São João da Aliança, Goiás State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimens of Aspidoras albater, showing the patterns of infraorbitals within the species. Ventral laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 strongly reduced in (A) and (B) (LBP 1427, 36.7 mm SL and LIRP 4447, 29.4 mm SL, respectively), poorly developed in (C) (MNRJ 11716, 27.8 mm SL), moderately developed in (D) (MZUSP 40793, 29.4 mm SL) and well developed in (E) (MNRJ 13050, 31.3 mm SL). Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras albater, MZUSP 40793, CS, 29.4 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Dotted lines indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Dorsal view of pectoral spines in CS specimens of Aspidoras albater, showing variation in the morphology of pectoral-fin spine: presence of laminar expansion and simple and/or bifid poorly- and/or moderately-developed serrations on its posterior margin in (A) and (B) (MZUSP 114401, 30.1 mm SL and MNRJ 13080, 30.9 mm SL, respectively), (C) with only simple poorly-developed serrations on its posterior margin (LIRP 4472, 29.4 mm SL), (D) with only simple and/or bifid poorly-developed serrations on its posterior margin (MNRJ 12779, 31.3 mm SL), or (E) with only simple and/or bifid moderately-developed serrations on its posterior margin (MNRJ 12581, 31.1 mm SL). Arrows in (A) indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras albater specimens photographed alive. (A) uncataloged aquarium specimen from the rio Araguaia basin, (B) specimen from the rio Muquém, rio Tocantins basin (MZUSP 114357, not measured), (C) uncatalogued aquarium specimens from the rio Araguaia basin, (D) uncatalogued aquarium specimen from Mato Grosso, possibly from the rio Paraguay basin, and (E) specimen from a stream with unknown name tributary to the rio Tocantins basin (LBP 19312, 27.6 mm SL). Photos by Ingo Seidel (A), José Birindelli (B), Hans Evers (C, D), and Martin Taylor (E).
Paratypes of Aspidoras albater, (A–D) MZUSP 12992, 4, 25.9–31.2 mm SL, and (E–I) USNM 213540, 5, 26.1–31.2 mm SL, showing general morphological and color patterns in lateral view. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Holotype of Aspidoras eurycephalus, junior synonym of Aspidoras albater, CAS 16010, 29.5 mm SL, córrego Vermelho into rio das Almas, Goiás State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo by the California Academy of Sciences.
Holotype of Aspidoras taurus, junior synonym of Aspidoras albater, MZUSP 57154, 52.1 mm SL, rio Itiquira, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Relatively large specimen of (A) Aspidoras albater, LIRP 4472, 40.1 mm SL, and darker specimen of (B) Aspidoras albater, MZUSP 114401, 35.9 mm SL, showing general morphological and color patterns in lateral view. Photo (A) by Celso Ikedo.
Aspidoras belenos, holotype, MNRJ 12433, 27.3 mm SL, stream at the Primavera do Leste – Paranatinga Road, 82 km north from Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Victor de Brito.
Lateral view of the head of CS paratype of Aspidoras belenos, UFRJ 4419 (ex-UFRJ 3861), 22.1 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras belenos, UFRJ 1206, paratype, 21.4 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras belenos, UFRJ 4419 (ex-UFRJ 3861), CS paratype, 22.1 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued topotype of Aspidoras belenos photographed alive (A), and its typical habitat at the type locality, a stream with unknown name tributary to the rio Suspiro, rio das Mortes basin (B). Photos by Hans Evers.
Aspidoras brunneus, holotype, ZMA 113588, 20.9 mm SL, Serra do Roncador, km 125 of the road Xavantina-Cachimbo, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Mark Allen.
Aspidoras brunneus, paratype, USNM 213569, 17.9 mm SL, Serra do Roncador, km 125 of the road Xavantina-Cachimbo, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Photo by Sandra Raredon.
Aspidoras carvalhoi, holotype, MNRJ 5230, 25.4 mm SL, açude Canabrava (or Cana Brava), Guaramiranga, Ceará State, Brazil. Lateral view. Photo by Victor de Brito.
Aspidoras depinnai, holotype, MZUSP 56214, 32.5 mm SL, stream at the Amaraji – Primavera Road, Pernambuco State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Lateral view of the head of a CS specimen of Aspidoras depinnai, UFPB 6194, 28.0 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras depinnai, MZUSP 56216, paratype, 20.6 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Dotted lines indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras depinnai, UFPB 6194, CS, 28.0 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued aquarium specimen of Aspidoras depinnai photographed alive. Photo by Ingo Seidel.
Caudal fin of CS specimen of Aspidoras poecilus, UNT 12056, 31.5 mm SL, showing the small cartilage between the principal and procurrent rays (black arrow). Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, holotype, MZUSP 8573, 29.5 mm SL, córrego Corguinho, Três Lagoas Road, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimen of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, DZSJRP 9898, 30.8 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, DZSJRP 9898, CS, 30.8 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, LISDEBE 5561, CS, 30.4 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued aquarium specimens of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus from the córrego Bacalhau, upper rio Paraná basin, Goiás State, photographed alive. (A) female and (B) a pair, with female on the left and male on the right. Photos by Hans Evers.
Aspidoras lakoi, holotype, MNRJ 5292, 30.8 mm SL, stream at the Grotão Forest, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Victor de Brito.
Infraorbital series of CS specimens of Aspidoras lakoi, MNRJ 5293, 30.0 mm SL, in lateral (A) and frontal (B) views, and A. albater, MNRJ 13080, 30.9 mm SL, in frontal (C) view. The white arrow and the black line in (A) and (B), respectively, show the pointed process on anterodorsal portion of infraorbital 1. The black line in (C) shows the anterodorsal portion of infraorbital 1 lacking a pointed process. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras lakoi, holotype, MNRJ 5292, 30.8 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras lakoi, MNRJ 5293, CS, 30.0 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral-fin spine. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued specimen of Aspidoras lakoi photographed alive (A), and its typical habitat, a stream with unknown name, 20°50’20”S 46°30’21”W, tributary to the rio Grande, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (B). Photo (B) by Naraiana Benone.
Aspidoras maculosus, holotype, FMNH 54810, 37.2 mm SL, rio Paiaiá, Bahia State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Mike Littmann.
Aspidoras maculosus, MZUSP 88170, topotype, 27.8 mm SL. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimen of Aspidoras maculosus, UFBA 3291, 30.7 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras maculosus, UFBA 3291, CS, 30.7 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras maculosus, UFBA 3291, CS, 30.7 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncataloged specimen of Aspidoras maculosus photographed alive. Photo by Angela Zanata.
Aspidoras poecilus, holotype, IRSNB 560, 29.2 mm SL, creek upstream the Porori Village, left bank of the rio Xingu, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Mark Allen.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimens of Aspidoras poecilus, showing the infraorbitals patterns of the species. Ventral laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 moderately developed in (A) (LBP 15895, 27.1 mm SL), and strongly well developed in (B) and (C) (UNT 6249, 30.9 mm SL and CPUFMT 2060, 27.6 mm SL, respectively). Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view in CS specimens of Aspidoras poecilus, showing the following morphological variation: nuchal plate (A) separated from the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital by the first dorsolateral body plate (UNT 6249, 30.9 mm SL), (B) separated from the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital by the first dorsolateral body plate, with platelets on the region between them, and (C) nearly contacting the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital. Dotted lines indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Dorsal view of pectoral fin in CS specimens of Aspidoras poecilus, showing variation in the morphology of pectoral-fin spine: (A) presence of simple and/or bifid moderately-developed serrations on its posterior margin (UNT 6249, 30.9 mm SL), or (B) with simple and/or bifid moderately- and/or well-developed serrations on its posterior margin (LBP 15860, 26.2 mm SL). Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras poecilus photographed alive, showing the general color pattern variations in (A) an uncatalogued aquarium specimen said to be from the rio Araguaia basin, (B) a specimen from a stream tributary to the rio Curuá, rio Xingu basin (MZUSP 116625, not measured), (C) an uncatalogued specimen from the rio Culuene basin, and (D) a specimen from the rio Uburixama, rio Tocantins basin (LBP 19126, not measured). Photos by Ingo Seidel (A), Willian Ohara (B), Cristiano Moreira (C), and Martin Taylor (D). Scale bar in (B) = 5 mm.
Map showing the geographical distribution of Aspidoras poecilus (type locality: red circle; non-type localities: black circles), A. psammatides (type locality: purple cross; non-type localities: white crosses), A. raimundi (type locality: red triangle; non-type localities: white triangles), A. rochai (type locality: red star), and A. velites (type locality: purple diamond; non-type localities: white diamonds). Each symbol may represent more than one locality.
Specimens of Aspidoras poecilus showing variations in general morphological and color patterns in lateral view; (A) CITL 390, 22.7 mm SL, rio Araguaia basin, (B) UNT 6234, 38.8 mm SL, rio Tocantins basin, and (C) MNRJ 24640, 25.2 mm SL, rio Tapajós basin.
Holotype of Aspidoras microgalaeus, junior synonym of Aspidoras poecilus, MZUSP 51209, 25.7 mm SL, small tributary to the rio Culuene, km 86 of the Paranatinga – Canarana Road, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Aspidoras psammatides, holotype, MNRJ 28407, 25.7 mm SL, rio Caldeirão, Bahia State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Victor de Brito.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimen of Aspidoras psammatides, UNT 9604, 27.3 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras psammatides, UNT 9604, CS, 27.3 mm SL, showing predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Aspidoras psammatides, UNT 9604, CS, 27.3 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued specimen of Aspidoras psammatides photographed alive (A) in its typical habitat at the rio Capivara, rio Paraguaçu basin (B). Photos by Marcelo Melo.
Aspidoras raimundi, lectotype, NMW 61110, 25.5 mm SL, mouth of a stream emptying into the rio Parnaíba near Victoria (Alto Parnaíba), Maranhão State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Anja Palandacic.
Lateral view of the head of CS specimens of Aspidoras raimundi, showing the infraorbitals patterns of the species. Ventral laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 moderately developed in (A) and (B) (UNT 10106, 28.3 mm SL and MCP 47296, 27.5 mm SL, respectively), and well developed in (C) and (D) (UFPB 9934, 22.4 mm SL and MCP 47283, 27.3 mm SL, respectively). Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view in CS specimens of Aspidoras raimundi, showing the following morphological variation: nuchal plate (A) separated from the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital by the first and second dorsolateral body plates (UFPB 9934, 22.4 mm SL), and (B) nearly touching the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital, with platelets on the region between them (black arrows) (MCP 47283, 27.3 mm SL). Dotted lines indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Dorsal view of pectoral fin in CS specimens of Aspidoras raimundi, showing variation in the morphology of pectoral-fin spine: (A) presence of simple and/or bifid poorly-developed serrations on its posterior margin (MCP 47283, 27.3 mm SL), or (B) with simple and/or bifid moderately- and/or well-developed serrations on its posterior margin (UFPB 9934, 22.4 mm SL). Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued aquarium specimens of Aspidoras raimundi photographed alive, showing variation in color pattern: (A) typical pattern, (B) typical pattern but densely mottled, (C) dorsal fin with diffuse blotch, midline blotches large, elongated and non-fused, (D) dorsal fin with diffuse blotch plus spots, midline blotches large and variably elongated , which may be fused, forming a longitudinal stripe, or (E) dorsal fin with with almost entirely hyaline membranes and spots roughly aligned in longitudinal rows, midline blotches large and variably elongated, which may be fused, forming a longitudinal stripe. Photos by Telton Ramos (A), Ingo Seidel (B) and Hans Evers (C–E).
Corydoras specimen (19.0 mm SL) found within the type series of Aspidoras raimundi (NMW 46795).
Specimens of Aspidoras raimundi showing general morphological and color patterns variations in lateral view; (A) UFPB 9934, 24.8 mm SL, (B) UFPB 9418, 24.2 mm SL, (C) UFPB 9415, 24.9 mm SL, (D) USNM 213568, paratype of Aspidoras spilotus, 22.7 mm SL, (E) UFPB 9247, 39.3 mm SL, (F) UFRN 1241, 41.1 mm SL, (G) UFPB 7140, 22.2 mm SL, and (H) UNT 14465, 29.4 mm SL. Photos (A) and (H) by Bruno Ferreira.
Holotype of Aspidoras spilotus, junior synonym of Aspidoras raimundi, ZMA 113590, 34.0 mm SL, Riacho dos Macacos, Ceará State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Mark Allen.
Holotype of Aspidoras menezesi, junior synonym of Aspidoras raimundi, UMMZ 147336, 41.8 mm SL, tributary to the left bank of the rio Salgado, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Heok Hee Ng.
Aspidoras rochai, lectotype, MZUSP 2195, 38.7 mm SL, Guaramiranga, Ceará State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photo in lateral view by Eduardo Baena.
Aspidoras rochai, paralectotype, MZUSP 5300, 35.5 mm SL, Guaramiranga, Ceará State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views.
Aspidoras velites, holotype, MZUSP 74447, 23.6 mm SL, córrego Boiadeiro, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Dorsal (top), lateral (middle) and ventral (bottom) views. Photos by Willian Ohara.
Lateral view of the head of CS paratype of Aspidoras velites, MZUSP 73264, 20.6 mm SL, showing its general infraorbitals pattern. Abbreviations: io1: infraorbital 1, io2: infraorbital 2, sph: sphenotic, pes: pterotic-extrascapular. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Predorsal region of trunk in dorsal view in CS specimens of Aspidoras velites, showing the following morphological variation: (A) absence of dorsal-fin spinelet and bony platelet (LIRP 4435, 23.4 mm SL), and (B) absence of nuchal plate but presenting a reduced and irregular bony platelet on anterior margin of dorsal-fin spine base (black arrow) (MZUSP 73264, paratype, 20.6 mm SL). Dotted lines in (B) indicate the limits of the tip of the posterior process of the parieto-supraoccipital and anterior tip of the nuchal plate. Abbreviations: np: nuchal plate, dfs: dorsal-fin spine, pso: parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Aspidoras velites, LIRP 4479, CS, 22.0 mm SL, showing dorsal view of the pectoral fin. Arrows indicate the small laminar expansions at the base of branched rays. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Uncatalogued specimen of Aspidoras velites photographed alive (A), showing its typical habitat at the córrego Gordura, rio Araguaia basin (B). Photos by Hans Evers.