Possible causes
IUCN Brazilian Red List (ICMBio/MMA, 2018)
IUCN Global Red List
Conservation Unit
Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Böhlke, 1965 |
Lowering of the aquifer; physical change of the habitat |
Artesian wells for fruit irrigation; climate change |
Endangered (EN) |
Deficient Data (DD) |
Not included |
Eigenmannia vicentespelaea Triques, 1996 |
Lowering of the base-level stream; siltation of the subterranean drainage; tourism |
Large scale agriculture and irrigation projects (in the headwaters); deforestation of headwaters; unmanaged tourism; climate change |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, 1987 |
Lowering of the base-level streams; tourism |
Large scale agriculture and irrigation projects (in the headwaters); deforestation of the headwaters; unmanaged tourism; climate change |
Endangered (EN) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ancistrus formoso Sabino & Trajano, 1997 |
Pollution; physical change of the habitat |
Use of pesticides for agriculture; mining for cement production |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Limits of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park |
Ancistrus sp. “bodoquena” |
physical change of the habitat |
Deforestation; mining projects for cement production |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Aspidoras mephisto Tencatt & Bichuette, 2017 |
Pollution; physical change of the habitat; food restriction |
Use of pesticides for agriculture; discharge of domestic sewage; mining projects for cement production; deforestation of cave surroundings |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Trichomycterus itacarambiensis de Pinna & Trajano, 1996 |
Physical change of the habitat; food restriction |
Dams inside the cave for water exploration; climate change |
Critically Endangered (CR) |
Not included |
Limits of the Cavernas do Peruaçu National Park |
Trichomycterus dali Rizzato, Costa-Jr, Trajano & Bichuette, 2011 |
Physical change of the habitat; pollution |
Mining projects for cement production; water exploration (irrigation for agriculture); deforestation of caves surroundings (agriculture and pastures); climate change |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Limits of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park (part) |
Trichomycterus rubbioli Bichuette & Rizzato, 2012 |
Food restriction; physical change of the habitat; lowering of the upper phreatic |
Deforestation of cave surroundings (agriculture; pastures and charcoal production); potential large scale mining projects; climate change |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Not included |
Trichomycterus sp. “ramalho” |
Lowering of the base-level stream; food restriction |
Deforestation of cave surroundings (pastures and charcoal production); climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Trichomycterus sp. “iu iu” |
Lowering of the base-level stream; food restriction |
Deforestation for agriculture and pastures (small scale); climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Ituglanis passensis Fernández & Bichuette, 2002 |
Lowering of the base-level stream; siltation of subterranean drainage; food restriction |
Deforestation for agriculture and pastures (small scale); climate change |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ituglanis bambui Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 |
Siltation of the upper vadose tributary; lowering of the upper vadose tributary; tourism |
Unmanaged tourism; climate change |
Critically Endangered (CR) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ituglanis epikarsticus Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 |
Lowering of the epikarst (upper aquifer); physical change of the habitat; tourism |
Climate change; unmanaged tourism |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ituglanis ramiroi Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 |
Lowering of the upper vadose tributary; physical change of the habitat; tourism |
Climate change; unmanaged tourism |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ituglanis mambai Bichuette & Trajano, 2008 |
Food restriction; siltation of the subterranean drainage |
Deforestation of surroundings (agriculture and pastures) |
Endangered (EN) |
Not included |
Not included |
Ituglanis boticario Rizzato & Bichuette, 2015 |
Food restriction; siltation of the subterranean drainage |
Deforestation of surroundings (agriculture and pastures) |
Not included |
Not included |
Rio Vermelho Environmental Protection Area (APA) |
Ituglanis sp. “terra ronca” |
No data |
No data |
Not included |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Ituglanis sp. “posse” |
Physical change of the habitat; lowering of the upper phreatic |
Dams inside the cave for water exploration; climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Ituglanis sp. “canastra” |
Food restriction; lowering of the base-level stream |
Deforestation of surroundings; climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Limits of the Serra da Canastra National Park |
Glaphyropoma spinosum Bichuette, de Pinna & Trajano, 2008 |
Physical change of the habitat; tourism |
Illegal gold panning (“garimpo”); unmanaged tourism |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Chapada Diamantina National Park |
Copionodon sp. “igatu” |
Physical change of the habitat; tourism |
Illegal gold panning (“garimpo”); unmanaged tourism |
Not included |
Not included |
Chapada Diamantina National Park |
Pimelodella kronei (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907) |
Pollution (domestic sewage and others); overcollecting; physical change of the habitat |
Irregular land use; weak supervising; irregular visitation of the cave |
Endangered (EN) |
Deficient Data (DD) |
Turístico do Alto Ribeira State Park |
Pimelodella spelaea Trajano, Reis & Bichuette, 2007 |
Lowering of the upper vadose tributary; physical change of the habitat; tourism |
Climate change; unmanaged tourism |
Endangered (EN) |
Not included |
Terra Ronca State Park |
Pimelodella sp. “açungui” |
Physical change of the habitat |
Small Hydroelectric Power Station (SHPS) |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdia enfurnada Bichuette & Trajano, 2005 |
Food restriction; physical change of the habitat; lowering of the base-level stream |
Deforestation of cave surroundings (agriculture; pastures and charcoal production); potential large scale mining projects; climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdia sp. “bodoquena” |
Physical alteration of the habitat |
Deforestation of cave surroundings; mining projects for cement production |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdiopsis krugi Bockmann & Castro, 2010 |
Siltation; food restriction; lowering of the aquifer; pollution (part of the aquifer); tourism (part of the caves) |
Deforestation of caves surroundings; installation of artesian wells; use of pesticides for agriculture; unmanaged tourism |
Vulnerable (VU) |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdiopsis sp. “gonçalo” |
Lowering of the aquifer; physical change of the habitat |
Water withdrawal and installation of artesian wells for human consumption and agriculture use (small scale); old saltpeter exploration |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdiopsis sp. “cordisburgo” |
No data |
No data |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdiopsis sp. “ramalho”, two populations/morphotypes |
Lowering of the upper phreatic; physical change of the habitat |
Water withdrawal for human consumption and agriculture (small scale); dams inside the caves |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Rhamdiopsis sp. “caatinga” |
Lowering of the aquifer; physical change of the habitat |
Water withdrawal for human consumption and agriculture use (small scale); dams inside the cave |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Phenacorhamdia sp. “posse” |
Physical change of the habitat; lowering of the upper phreatic |
Dams inside the cave; water withdrawal; climate change |
Not included |
Not included |
Not included |
Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi, 1905 |
Habitat fragmentation; food restriction |
Deforestation for agriculture and pasture activities |
Least Concerned (LC) |
Deficient Data (DD) |
Not included |
Phreatobius dracunculus Shibatta, Muriel-Cunha & de Pinna, 2007 |
Habitat fragmentation; food restriction |
Deforestation for agriculture and pasture activities; mining |
Deficient Data (DD) |
Not included |
Not included |
Phreatobius sanguijuela Fernández, Saucedo, Carvajal-Vallejos & Schaefer, 2007 |
Habitat fragmentation; food restriction |
Deforestation for agriculture and pasture activities |
Not included |
Critically Endangered (CR) |
Not included |