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Análise da não resposta em surveys políticos

This article focuses on the social structure of the interviewed that practiced nonresponse item in a survey on political issues. For this was carried out a survey with 2.010 young voters of public schools in Belém (PA). The share of non response increase with the change of one lifecycle to another one or with the proper experience gained by the effects of the public politics, what leaves the interviewed in doubt in relation to the values and opinions established.

political survey; young voters; nonresponse item; missing value

Centro de Estudos de Opinião Pública da Universidade Estadual de Campinas Cidade Universitária 'Zeferino Vaz", CESOP, Rua Cora Coralina, 100. Prédio dos Centros e Núcleos (IFCH-Unicamp), CEP: 13083-896, Tel.: (55 19) 3521-7093 - Campinas - SP - Brazil