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Typifying Sharing Economy and Access Economy


This study aims to create a taxonomy capable of discriminating market models related to the concepts of access economy and sharing economy, seeking to identify sui generis aspects and proprieties of these two market practices. For such, a taxonomic analysis was developed based on the survey of the main ontological and theoretical aspects related to both concepts. As analytical categories, utilitarian (MILL, [1863] 2005) and anti-utilitarian (MAUSS, 2003) perspectives were used. Moreover, the construction of classifications and concepts was guided by a poststructuralist approach with central focus on relations, rather than an excessive emphasis on its constituent elements. As main results, we highlight that access economy consists of two models in which the utilitarian foundation predominates, which are: Models based on appfication and Disruptive Models. On the other hand, sharing economy is anchored on a broader anti-utilitarian foundation and is divided into Hybrid Models and Collaborative Models.

Sharing Economy; Access Economy; Utilitarianism; Anti-utilitarianism; Taxonomic Analysis

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