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Socialization and affection in digital incluSion process: an ethnographic Study


When considering the many social changes lead by technological developments and the current scientific production regarding digital inclusion topic, this research presents the backstage of the digital inclusion process, comprising the description of the process of learning about information technology and communication, the identification of factors that involve in the process and the verification of the individual effects in the digital inclusion process of teenager, young, adults and elderly, in the context of three digital inclusion actions. Results were explored through an ethnographic study. As evidence, one can highlight the digital inclusion as a tool to provide social inclusion and affective and social impacts on digital inclusion.

Digital inclusion; Social inclusion; Affection; Sociability; CIT

Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n 3o. sala 29, 41110-903 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel.: (55 71) 3283-7344, Fax.:(55 71) 3283-7667 - Salvador - BA - Brazil