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Gestão de pessoas por competência: institucionalização, possibilidades e dificuldades implícitas nas relações trabalhistas brasileiras

This paper presents some reflections on the deployment of Managing People by Competencies (MPC) and the elements that hamper its institutionalization, especially those related to legislation. The institutionalization approach is relevant to be in vestigated due to the increase of firms that adhere to different forms of the "competency model" in Brazil. To this end we started with an initial review of the literature on MPC, in its conceptual aspects, the Theory of Institutionalization and its processes, the standardization of social relations and its relationship with the MPC. This research is qualitative and exploratory, based on in-depth interviews with researchers and actors who work with the theme. The categories of analysis emerged from the interviews based on the comparison of different perceptions. The main results points out the elements that hamper the implementation of the MPC, the demystification of wage assimilation and legal aspects involved, and the necessity of a more appropriate normative space for institutionalization of MPCs.

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