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Systematized education: the slow death of the Parakanã culture

This research investigates cultural interferences from the Systematized Educational Process implemented for the Parakanã People located in the Xingu area, west of the state of Para. This project was previously submitted to the University of Taubaté Ethics Committee and the Education Secretary of Belem do Pará Municipality, which has accessed its results. Methodological procedures were based on a qualitative approach supported by documental analysis, interviews and questionnaires. Furthermore, some ofthe most important cultural and religious events have been documented as a photographicdiary. The data collected underwent interpretive analysis. The chosen sample reflected 10% of the whole population living in the same location. Research findings reveal that the educational program does not consider the Parakanã People's culture. A dichotomy was noticed in the way teachers perceive the relevance of preserving Indian traditions and spontaneous attitudes. Moreover, there are strong communication barriers as teachers do not understand their dialect. Within the Indian group, there is a visible dichotomy between the youngest and the oldest ones about the maintenance of ethnic customs demonstrated by the abandonment of traditional clothing and adornments to adopt nonIndian behavioralstandards which reveals a process of ongoing cultural change.

Education; Ethnic interference; Parakanã Nation; Experienced knowledge

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