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Transversality between cognition and information systems: a mapping of major international journals

This work attempts to explore Cognition and its transversality with Information Systems (IS) through an analysis of major international journals in order to demonstrate how these fields connect with each other. The most important journals from the IS fi eld were analyzed for their Impact Factor (ISI). Altogether, seven journals were selected. After identifying the journals, the titles of the articles (issued between September 2002 and December 2007) were selected for the following words: cognition, cognitive or information processing. 21 papers were examined. The results indicated that there is a predominance of experiments as a research method, demonstrating its validity for cognitive studies. Concerning the target public of these studies people related to organizations predominated, followed by university students; it was observed that few studies focus on the general population, demonstrating the diffi culty of carrying out cognitive studies in macro-sociological environments. It was also noticed that there is no specifi c approach used in these studies, the use of Information Processing Theory prevailed.

Cognition; Information systems; Papers mapping; Quality study; Impact factor

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