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O sentido da arte: o caso do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - RJ

The aim of this paper is to analyze the relations established in the field of culture, due to the disputes between actors with distinct motivations and logics of action. In order to perform the analysis a sociological approach of power was chosen. The study is based on an event occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which presents itself as an emblematic and very significant case of how different powers in the field of culture are structured and expressed. The case analyzed is related to the removal of a work of art from the exposition "Erotic - the senses if the art", promoted by Cultural Center of Bank of Brasil" (CCBB), in Rio de Janeiro, due to the pressions imposed by a catholic conservative group called Opus Christi. The argument is that the reason why this event took place is related to a dispute over the definition on the sense of art. The current power structure between financiers and financed is unveiled, in this case, Bank of Brasil and CCBB, which demonstrate the weakness of the institutions responsible for cultural public policies, resulting in an increase of economic capital to the detriment of cultural capital.

Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n 3o. sala 29, 41110-903 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel.: (55 71) 3283-7344, Fax.:(55 71) 3283-7667 - Salvador - BA - Brazil