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Organização, este obscuro objeto do desejo? Caminhos da sexualidade nas organizações

Occupying a privileged place within the dynamics of libidinal investment, the organization figures as a seducer or as a totalitarian figure. Using as a starting point the notion of Freudian sexuality, this essay intends to discuss some of the paths that libido can take in the organizational setting. According to the strategies of organization control over the individuals - seducer or totalitarian - the possibility of their sublimation is restricted. Their dissatisfaction in the meantime, lays open the way for the occurrence of the perverse montage, in which the neurotic condition is willing to participate in a collective setting that produces the fantasy of the perfect organization, disguising individuals limitations. In this process an organization is transformed in The Organization, being worshiped as an entity beyond human dimension. As a counterpart, the challenge arises to rescue the alterity that collective production imposes, through constant learning and communication among its members and, consequently through recognition of the finitude that is inherent to them.

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