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Organizational Theories and Historical Materialism

The organizational theories often appear in the literature as isolated and autonomous creations of their authors, disjointed from other dimensions of reality. This article, by contrast, aims to present these theories as constituents of various moments in the development of capitalism in the twentieth century. It is understood that these theories seek to answers that guarantee the fulfillment of the needs of the system, each historical cycle. Seek to meet the determinations of capitalism, offering solutions at the enterprise level, every challenge. Anyway, are themselves a story. As a method of knowledge, work with the historical and dialectical materialism, considering that ideas are preceded materiality, materiality, and this is expressed in thought as a whole, contradictory and in constant motion, like reality itself. As a procedure, we traverse the major theoretical formulations and try to demonstrate their relations with the economic and political conditions in hand, exposing the dialogue that these theories catch with the other dimensions of capitalist development. Additionally, we are given to understand that, as a history, organizational theories are also reduced expression and underlying conflict of interests between employers and employees.

Marxism; Organizational Theories; Historical Development

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