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Função gerencial em shopping center: ação, devoção e desilusão

The goal of this article was reflect about the manager function in Malls - SC- which is giving focus to the specific necessities about the professionals in the context of retail market. The conception discussion related of this function was elaborated from three dimensions: action, devotion and disillusionment. A research with 20 business mangers was done in five malls with a qualitative approach essentially, which the mainly tool of the data collection was an interview with a semi-structured screenplay. The data was shown, studied based on the analysis technique of content and illustrated with some interview's pieces. From the point of the view of the "action", some doubts were arising related to effective possibility that the manager has to promote the strongly of his space and the scope of his work in this environment. About the "devotion", the relationship developed by the managers showed us how an entanglement of the demands needs solution daily. Finally, their "disillusionments" refer to wish and frustration related to status, professional achievement and power, showing ambiguous relationship, brooked and controversy. This way, at least for theses managers, the Malls are not the perfect world that others social actors have been writing in others research. Also it was given suggestion to future research.

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