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Olga: a semeadora de grãos e de responsabilidade social na história do grupo Nova América

This paper analyses the reasons of the owners of a family firm, the Nova America Group, for acting in a social responsible way. Agriculture and cattle breeding have been the business of Nova America Group for 150 years. Nowadays, the production of sugar and alcohol is its main activity. We chose historiography as research method. In this context, we chose organizations stories, in particular. Social responsibility was the analysis line. The story of Nova America Group is connected with the life story of Olga, which gives the title to this paper. The data collection was supported by literature review, documental research and field research. In the field, interviews stimulated people to tell stories. The story of Nova America Group shows: (a) an organization that is known for it social responsible behaviour, which remounts to the origins of the Group, being the result of the values and faiths of Olga Ottoni de Rezende Barbosa, mother and grandmother of the current managers; (b) a woman and a manager a head of her time, whose values and faiths were impregnated by ethical components; (c) values and faiths of the managers as learning sources for the organization; (d) to be possible the search of competitiveness and profit, with social responsibility.

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