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A estética como elemento para compreensão da criatividade nas organizações

The work, of theoretical nature, reflects on the necessity to extend the understanding of the creativity, that has been considered, in the objective perspective, ignoring the subjective perspective, in particular, involving the Aesthetics. The central question that guides the article is the contribution of the Aesthetics to explain the processes involving the creativity. Initially, the functions of the action describe human being, with Aesthetic prominence for in order evidencing, as filosoficamente the perception, analysis and interpretation of the reality demand to consider the objective dimension in such a way, as the subjective one. The Aesthetics one in the organizacionais studies is rescued, as well as the creativity. Finally, the understanding of the creative processes is demonstrated to the joint between Aesthetics and the creativity, extending, habitually centered in objective perspectives. It is verified the end that the Aesthetic one helps to explain the processes of the interaction human being, and in particular, decurrent of the creativity in the organizations after all the creativity that they are beyond the rationality, of the objective dimension only.

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