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Responsabilidade social empresarial e estratégia: um estudo sobre a gestão do público interno em duas empresas signatárias do global compact

The current article presents the results of research on corporate social responsibility carried out at two Brazilian companies that signed the UN’s Global Compact Agen da. The interpretation of the data was based on the five concepts of strategy proposed by Mintzberg et al (2003), which are: plan, pattern, position, perspective and ploy. The variables researched were: participative management, valuing diversity (equal opportunities for all people regardless of sex, race, age, or any other special need), salary policy, benefits and career opportunities, and worker’s health and safety. What was investigated was the meaning of strategy that guided corporate social responsibility towards its employees (internal stakeholders). It was concluded that the concept of strategy underlying the human resources’ policy seems to be the one of plan (directing action towards the future), given the instrumental use of worker’s participation and the establishment of profit sharing based on achieving goals. The concept of strategy as ploy (a trick to fool competitors or other stakeholders) seemed to be refuted due to the good salary paid to employees and the policy of worker’s health and safety.

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