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Prolegomena to All Administrology Possible: Administration - What Is It?

The main idea of this text is to discuss management starting from the following questioning: administration, what is it? To answer to it, we initiate from the called argumentative hypothetical method, which obeys the phases enumerated next. Firstly, from a critical position to the answers given to the question, we present a thesis as theme or as authors' personal position, that is: administration is a virtuous action. Next, we define a question-problem and formulate certain study and research hypotheses, having as a base the Aristotelian philosophy. Finally, always resuming the central thesis here defended, we seek to build the intellectual conditions of a future answer, through a cycle of intended credible opinions: a hermeneutics of the unsaid for the said; an attempt to think administration in its core, or ontology of administration.

Administration; Action; Virtu; Ontology

Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n 3o. sala 29, 41110-903 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel.: (55 71) 3283-7344, Fax.:(55 71) 3283-7667 - Salvador - BA - Brazil