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A trama e o drama numa intervenção: análise sob a ótica da psicodinâmica do trabalho

This paper presents the results of a "validation process" in an ergonomics consulting project. The paper first introduces the theoretical basis for analysis of work, drawn from Psychodynamics of Work (Dejours, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999), which includes concepts such as "space for communication", pleasure and suffering at work, prescribed work and real work, as well as the idea of validation of group research processes in work settings. Next, it will present some concepts from psychoanalytic group theory (Bion, 1970), necessary for understanding the processes that mobilize the groups analyzed. Next it will introduce the procedures for data collection, the actors and the drama - that is, how the facilitators enable the creation of a space for communication, with the group from the Client Company, then with the group of consultants in Ergonomics, and finally with both groups of actors. Following, this paper presents; the results of the "validation process", comparing the research data with the theoretical and methodological approach proposed, some concluding considerations and suggestions for consulting's work

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