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Migration trajectory from commercial off-the-shelf software to free software: empirical evidence associated with open office

This article aims at analyzing the migration trajectory from a commercial off-the-shelf software to a free one. Thus, it was pursued to analyze the migration process and investigate the critical success/resistance factors associated with the implementation of the Open Office in a Brazilian private company replacing the extant Microsoft Office. The bibliographical review of this work addresses adoption/resistance to information systems being that the theoretical framework adopted to explain the data collected. The single case study method was then applied and via documentation analysis, interviews, questionnaires, and direct and participant observations data was collected, as well as analyzed via content analysis and non-parametric statistics. Three sorts of users' behaviors were unveiled in which concerns to their intention of use of the free software. Finally, the reasons for those behaviors were set forth based on the investigation of the critical factors associated with the users' adoption/resistance to the implemented free software.

Free Software; Open Office; Resistance to Information Systems; Adoption of Information Systems; Resistance Behavior to Systems

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