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Scientific production on sexuality in organizational studies: an analysis of the publications between 2005 and 2014


This article aims to identify the main contemporary approaches to sexuality in organizational studies, emphasizing the seminal researches on sexuality in the workplace. In order to achieve that we performed a bibliographic study in 14 journals – seven national and seven international – from 2005 to 2014. The subjects covered in the articles were grouped into seven categories: (1) sexuality, power and resistance; (2) heteronormativity in organizations; (3) organizational culture and homophobia; (4) sexual identity and homophobia; (5) proposals for LGBT’s non-discrimination; (6) space and sexual socialization; and (7) criticism of knowledge produced in the academy. As a result, it can be noticed an increase in the diversity of approaches to the issue in recent years, especially in international studies, as well as new studies opportunities for research in the Brazilian context.

Bibliographic study; Sexuality; LGBT; Organizational studies

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