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Avaliação de serviços educacionais no ensino superior: o ponto de vista de alunos regulares e vestibulandos portadores de deficiência

Society has become more aware of its intrincate human diversity. The segment of society formed by handicapped people is more conscious of its rights, and therefore has become more demanding and has taken part more actively in services that are offered. Educational services consist of an entrance way to a relevant performance in the labour market. The objective of this paper is to identify whether there are differences as to the attributes that handicapped people, applicants to graduation courses and graduation students use to evaluate the quality of the educational services offered by colleges and universities. Qualitative (Delphy) and quantitative methods were used. The results evidenced that the attributes referenced in the literature used to evaluate the quality of services need to be slightly modified when applied to handicapped people. Besides, the analysis revealed that the applicants evaluated the educational services in a different way compared to regular graduation students.

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