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Early selection of Cabralea canjerana for propagation by mini-cutting

Seleção precoce em Cabralea canjerana para a propagação por miniestaquia


The objective of this work was to define an early selection strategy to identify Cabralea canjerana (Meliaceae) clones with high multiplication rate. A mini-garden of 109 clones of canjerana seedlings was established in a completely randomized design, in an acclimatized greenhouse. From seedlings, the mini-stumps and mini-cuttings were obtained. Mini-cuttings were collected at five different times, and the number of mini-cuttings per mini-stump, rooting percentage, and number of rooted mini-cuttings were quantified. The number of rooted mini-cuttings per mini-stump was the only trait that showed high correlation with the others. Five groups of clones based on the number of rooted mini-cuttings per mini-stump were separated using k-means clustering, and the genetic gain from selection and Pearson correlation were estimated. The selection of the two best groups in each evaluation period resulted in high genetic gains from selection for all evaluated traits. Early selection for the number of rooted mini-cuttings discarded 65% of the evaluated clones, which increases experimental precision in evaluations of traits associated with plantlet growth and quality. Early selection for the number of rooted mini-cuttings per mini-stump at different times allows the identification of Cabralea canjerana clones with high multiplication rate.

Index terms:
breeding; canjerana; mini-stump; plantlet production; rooting

Embrapa Secretaria de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento; Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Caixa Postal 040315, 70770-901 Brasília DF Brazil, Tel. +55 61 3448-1813, Fax +55 61 3340-5483 - Brasília - DF - Brazil