Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) is traditionally a polyphagous pest during the adult phase although with some preference for bean and soybean leaves. In the past years, however, the larval phase of this chrysomelid achieved the pest status likewise other species of the genus in the USA causing severe damages to the root system of corn. The aim of this research was to evaluate the damages caused by different population levels of D. speciosa to corn roots and by adults to corn, soybean, bean and rice leaves. A significant decrease in the dry weight of corn roots, in the dry weight of the upper part, and in plant height in comparison with the control plant was observed even in small larvae population densities. The economic threshold level was less than 40 larvae per plant. The adults had significant preference for bean and soybean leaves while corn and rice were less consumed.
corn rootworm; corn pest; ecology; behavior; hosts