Open-access Ammonia volatilization and agronomical efficiency of a mixture of urea with natural zeolite for rose fertilization

Volatilização de amônia e eficiência agronômica de mistura de ureia com zeólita natural para fertilização de rosas


The objective of this work was to evaluate the losses of N-NH3 by volatilization and the agronomic efficiency of a mixture of urea with natural zeolite, as topdressing fertilization, in an area for the commercial production of roses (Rosa spp.). The treatments were: two rates of urea (60 and 120 kg ha-1), with and without zeolite. The N sources were applied directly to soil surface, and volatilization was determined using a free semi-open static chamber. The quantitative and qualitative variables of the collected flower stems were used to determine the agronomical efficiency of the fertilizers. The zeolite mixture reduces N-NH3 losses in 30%, compared with the commercial urea fertilizer, and shows a higher agronomic efficiency, resulting in an increase of 25 dozen of flower stems per each kilogram of N applied.

Index terms:  Rosa ; aluminosilicates; ammonium trapping; slow release; stilbite

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