This article discusses the conjugal interface with contemporary issues as the value of individualism and narcissistic and hedonistic culture, in with the exaltation of happiness is extremely valuable and there is a call no suffering. Currently this concept is emphasized with the belief that a relationship should be maintained only provide pleasure and well-being. On the other hand, there are couples, who stay together, even when this ideal is achieved, and living relations marked by conflict, suffering and domestic violence. This may be one deployment to respond to the ideals of today. Through the presentation of a clinical fragment of an individual therapy, but that has conjugality as a central issue is discussed the impasse experienced by a couple and their interrelation with contemporary ideas and marital dynamics. The conclusion is that couples are influenced by contemporary ideals, but that elements of psychodynamics of the couple must be simultaneously analyzed to better understand the universe marriage. It is believed that psychoanalysis is an important tool in this sense, considering the plot unconscious aspects of marriage and uniquesses of each story built by couple.
marital; contemporary; marital psychodynamics