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Internet das coisas aplicada no ambiente das bibliotecas: uma revisão sistemática da literatura internacional


This article analyzes the international scientific production with the theme of Internet application of things (IoT) in libraries. The objectives of this analysis are: map the academic production on the application of IoT technology in libraries since the first discussions about this technology until the year 2018; verify whether the studies are practical or only theoretical; identify the research areas and countries that develop the most studies on this subject; to determine the most common applications in libraries and which technologies are being used; identify successful practical initiatives in libraries. The methodology adopted is the systematic review of international literature available in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The focus of this bibliographic survey is to identify research on IoT exclusively in the library environment. It is an exploratory research with the purpose of characterizing the scientific production on this subject and the data analysis follows a quanti-qualitative approach. It is concluded that the research of IoT in library is still scarce, with predominance of theoretical studies to the detriment of empirical experiments. The area of ​​Computer Science concentrates the largest number of publications and can benefit from an interdisciplinary partnership with Librarianship and Information Science.

internet of things; libraries; systematic review; innovation in libraries; smart libraries

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