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Scientific output in Biological Sciences at UFRGS: thematic trends during the period 2000-2011

The study presents the main themes of research in Biological Sciences at UFRGS based on the analysis of the scientific production published in the period 2000-2011 and indexed in the Web of Science (WoS). Point the themes highlighted in the subject categories and the keywords of authors of 5,168 articles included in the sample. The methodology is bibliometrics and the results indicate Neuroscience, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Pharmacology & Pharmacy and Genetics & Heredity as the most productive areas, while Oxidative stress, Disease, Memory; Receiver; Hippocampus, Rat, and Resistance stand out as the main research themes. The scientific production grew significantly in the period and the thematic trends of area are objects of study the most productive disciplines, although other themes also prove significant. It is estimated that the UFRGS follows the development of Biological Sciences at the national and international context, performing research of ample interest nowadays.

Bibliometrics; Scientific output; Thematic analysis; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Biological Sciences

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