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Development and implementation of an information strategy: the case of a real estate Portuguese company


In this paper we analyze a Real Estate company, seeking to locate their activities in Porter’s five competitive forces. We proceed with its framing, historical and socio-economic, and brief description of the activity sector in which the company operates. We describe some tools to identify the information needs of business activity developed, as well as the role of information as a promoter of competitive advantages. We describe the information as a factor of strategic importance for any organization and as a resource whose management influences the performance of organizations. The information management embedded in business strategy proves to be a key factor in achieving competitive advantage for the organization. We emphasize the importance of the involvement of management at the highest level in order to enable the effective involvement of the entire organization. To carry out effectively its function, the information manager must have at its disposal all the relevant internal information because only by knowing in depth the organization can find the best information solutions. To conclude, a few reminders to the factors to consider in developing the information strategy to implement.

Strategic information management; internal and external information; competitive advantage; information systems and technologies; information overload; real estate

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